Wild Turkey Trail Runs

720 Valley Falls Rd.
Valley Falls State Park
Fairmont, WV
August 23rd, 2025
Start: 8:00 am

Tom and Nate Mauger are hosting a WVMTR Fun Run at the beautiful Valley Falls State Park in just east of Fairmont, WV. This is a free event.  We’ll provide food and drinks, but bring some of your own fuel as well.  Our aid station is under a large park shelter right next to the parking area so you can also use your car as an aid station! We have some free giveaways for finishers (car stickers and fun homemade medals)!

Select your own distance to run including 50k, Marathon, 25k, Half Marathon, 10 Miler, 8 Miler, 5k, and 1 mile.


This is a WVMTR Club Event that has no registration fee, but participants must register on UltraSignUp so there is an e-signed waiver and emergency information available. Members and non-members are welcome!

Joining WVMTR is not necessary to participate in this event, but we encourage you to support our events by becoming members. Yearly membership is only $10 and allows us to offer these wonderful free club events. Become a member today at RunSignUp or visit our membership page to learn more!

Event Headquarters / Event Start

Course Description

The course is an 8 mile figure 8 loop with a single aid station in the middle. 1 loop (The Gobbler) will be ~8 miles, 2 Loops will be 25 K and a 4 loops for the 50K (10 hour cutoff). Elevation gain is 1500ft per loop.

Course Map [Map]

Elevation Map [Map]

Garmin Map [Garmin]

Course Video [YouTube]