Pub Run

Mountain State Brewing Co.
1 Nelson Blvd.
Thomas, WV
Saturday before President’s Day Weekend
February 8th, 2025
Start: 9:00 am

Break out of the mid-winter cabin fever for some snowy miles in Cannan Valley. The neighboring towns of Thomas and Davis offer a centralized location to numerous outdoor activities year round. Winter is not only for skiing, a slow run in the wild white of Tucker County is an invigorating and memorable event. All are welcome at this no cost WVMTR event, members and non-members.

This low key run fun offers group runs at multiple distances. In 2025, we’ll meet on Canaan Loop Road at 9am. Stay after the run to visit with friends and warm up beside the Mountain State fireplace. Sandwiches, soups, chili, snacks provided, no cost. Bring a little something if you like. Mountain State beverages for purchase as always.


This is a WVMTR Club Event that has no registration fee, but participants must register on RunSignUp so we have a head count, e-signed waiver and emergency contact information. Members and non-members are welcome!

Joining WVMTR is not necessary to participate in this event, but we encourage you to support our events by becoming members. Yearly membership is only $10 and allows us to offer these wonderful free club events. Become a member today at RunSignUp or visit our membership page to learn more!


We try to offer a different course to experience each year. Meet at Mountain State Brewery in Thomas. Sometimes the run begins directly from the door, and other times there is a short drive to a different trailhead.


If you are interested in staying overnight there are Airbnb rentals nearby, and cabins or lodge rooms at Blackwater Falls State Park. If those fill up, check out the Tucker County Visitor’s Bureau for other nearby locations.

Post Run Lunch

Gather after the run at the Pub for food and beverages. Sandwiches, snacks, chili, soup, pizza, and/or other warm food is provided. Feel free to bring additional snacks if you like. Bar beverages are on your own.

Event Headquarters / Event Start