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[Closed] Wrap Up

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Joined: 8 years ago
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 Late getting back to this meeting. We left for MI that evening, been busy ever since. Nothing to vote on.

1) Board Elections - Pete was not available to attend. He advised me this week that he would do another term on the BoD. These three names will be on the ballot.

2) Club Jacket - I will continue offering the jacket/sweater to Members on a biennial basis as we have been doing. I might consider another in the fall of 2018 if there is enough interest and we set up the ordering process on RSU on the club site.

3) Stihl Hedge Trimmer - I will let the RD's and trail workers I can come up with we have the tool for use. If it's high demand we could consider purchasing a second.

4) Fayetteville Race - I will let Stewart know the event was favorably received. He needs to submit a plan as required and consider other races when selecting the date.

5) Club Shirts - Adam will inventory current stock and put together a Patagonia Order for short sleeve, long sleeve, long sleeve zip shirts

6) Fox Forest - Coming up tomorrow evening in Elkins.

