Member’s Forum

Charlotte Wales
Topics: 0 / Replies: 39
RE: Item 5: Other Business

@acasseday Making adjustments to existing memberships was manual. Going forward, any new annual memberships will be for 12 months of the date of join...

3 months ago
RE: Item 5: Other Business

I got all the expired memberships updated. Now anyone who signed up for a yearly membership as of April 26, 2023 to the present has had their members...

3 months ago
RE: Item 5: Other Business

@acasseday Yes. I just went through all of the current annual membership we have and updated their end dates to be 12 months from when they signed up...

3 months ago
RE: Item 5: Other Business

Just wanted to add one membership note. I changed the individual and family annual memberships to be for 12 months instead of yearly. In RunSignUp, ...

3 months ago
RE: Item 6: Voting

1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 5. Yes

3 months ago
RE: Item 2: Treasurer's Report

I second the motion to approve the financial report.

3 months ago
RE: Item 3: Timing Equipment Purchase Request

@arhodes5 This sounds great to me. Thank you for all the research and work on this.

3 months ago
RE: Item 1: Minutes from 1/18/24 e-Meeting

I second the motion to approve the minutes.

3 months ago
RE: Item 5: Voting

1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes

6 months ago
RE: Item 1: Minutes from 10/19/23 e-Meeting

I make a motion to approve the minutes. Can Ashley’s vote still count as the second?

6 months ago
RE: Item 4: Other Business

@acasseday Great idea Adam! Continuity is key for all the events. It seems like more have disappeared recently than new ones being introduced, so an...

6 months ago
RE: Item 4: Other Business

@arhodes5 Thanks for looking into this Andrew. Will be interested to see what options might work. Is the intent to have live tracking during the rac...

6 months ago
RE: Item 4: Other Business

@acasseday Thanks for mentioning that. I haven’t had a chance to look into this yet. To give everyone a bit more insight, I noticed that when people...

6 months ago
RE: Item 3: Board Officer Election

I’m fine with staying as secretary.

6 months ago
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