West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
Can you please give us a report Matt. After Matt gives his report, I would entertain a motion and a second to accept his report.
Current checking balance is $48,356.94 and savings is $50,261.28 for a total of $98,618.22. Canary is the only one race left on the calendar for 2018 with most expenses outstanding. Trilogy will most likely have a few more trickle in. These balances also include registration for FS 25/50k which has very little, if any, expenses so far. Most RD reporting has been timely. Still holding on a few races. Everything is in good order and normal for club operations.
Thanks Matt for keeping this current. There still some expenses on the Huntington account in March, May and July that I have not been able to categorize. It is often difficult to differentiate Haulin', Dog, and 3 KT race expenses.
Dan, I can get those expenses and send to RDs to see who claims them.
Thank you Matt.
I have some cash on my desk to deposit for DD. Since the branch on Huntington closed on the Westside I find it hard to to get downtown, park, and make the deposit during banking hours. I will try to make it to the branch in South Charleston soon.
I would entertain a motion and second to accept the Treasure's report.