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Item 9: Soliciting ...
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Item 9: Soliciting membership donations

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Lehmann will discuss.

Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 144

In the early years of the WVMTR I recall the joy of seeing memberships coming in, both for the recognition of our organization and the funds to pay our RRCA costs. The donations that accompanied some renewals were ever so welcome. 

Today when I see donations added to member renewals I cringe a bit. These donations go to our general fund which as you know is substantial. Members are for the most part unaware of our financial status. We do not post or otherwise share minutes or financial reports. 

I believe it is time to cease soliciting donations from our membership and remove the Donate button from the membership new or renewal pages. Race Directors are still free to have this function on their race site to support their approved charity if the race has one. 

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 159

If we don't need them then we should solicit them.  I support the removal of the donation.

It might be self serving but I support using the donations to offer partial scholarships to the EL Teen Running Camp. 

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 172

I move to discontinue solicitation of donation from members and remove the Donate button from the membership new or renewal pages. Race Directors are still free to have this function on their race site to support their approved charity if the race has one. 

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I second Matt's motion.

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 71


I vote to discontinue solicitation of donation from members and remove the Donate button from the membership new or renewal pages
