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Item 4: COVID-19 Re...
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Item 4: COVID-19 Response and Metric

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During our Zoom Meeting on 11/30 to discuss the fate of the Frozen Sasquatch it was recommended BOD action that the Executive Committee meet and bring back to the full board:

1) A recommendation for a COVID-19 protocol that would establish a metric for holding future WVMTR events during the pandemic. (Please see attached some of our supporting documents utilized in establishing our recommendation: a) Correspondence from Costi Sifri, MD; Director of Hospital Epidemiology/Infection Prevention & Control at the University of Virginia b) The WV Color Coding Alert Indicators). 

2) An update WVMTR Waiver that represents the necessary communicable disease language (the waiver will become part of the existing WVMTR Emergency Preparedness document previously adopted by the BOD.  The updated document will be shared and the approved waiver would then be required to be utilized by all WVMTR approved events).

Please find the Executive Committee's recommendations for full BOD adoption below:

COVID-19 Metric for Holding WVMTR Events: 

  • The event will only proceed if the existing WVMTR race director primarily desires to proceed with the event direction entrusted to them by the WVMTR Board of Directors. 
  • As a measure of protection for our running community and to further mitigate COVID spread within our communities, we have instituted our own metric to determine if races will occur based upon the following metric and procedure. We will measure the reported COVID-19 cases per 100k population (from the CDC) over a 7-day moving average, 4-weeks prior to scheduled race day. 
  • The data presented by the CDC, 28-days before the scheduled race day, must be equal to or less than 20 cases per 100K of WV population to hold a scheduled WVMTR event. Should the case load be greater than 20 cases per 100K, the scheduled event will be cancelled.  The event may be postponed at the discretion of the race director. 
  • We will follow WV state guidelines for outdoor sporting events.  
  • Until further notice, any races that meet criteria to proceed must have a COVID mitigation plan presented to the WVMTR Board of Directors that must include, but is not limited to: 
    • Masks or face covering for all participants at the start and finish 
    • Participants must wear masks or face covering when passing other runners on trails, and when entering aid stations 
    • No congregating at the start or finish 
    • Masks or face covering for volunteers at aid stations 
    • No congregating celebration/awards ceremony at the finish 
    • No indoor activities for participants 
    • Strict participation limits 
    • Hand sanitizer available at all aid stations 
    • Self-serve aid stations with prepackaged food options 
    • Process entries on a “wait list” status until 4-weeks prior to race day before accepting funds from participants. 
    • Mandatory for runners to self-report to the race director any new onset COVID-like symptoms (fever, cough, loss of taste/smell, etc.) and/or exposure.  Full refund will be given to runners who self-report prior to or on race day. 


WVMTR Event Waiver: 

In consideration of you accepting this entry, I, the participant, intending to be legally bound and hereby waive or release any and all right and claims for damages or injuries that I may have against the Event Director, West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners, its members, volunteers, co-sponsors, landowners, other participants,, and all of their agents assisting with the event, sponsors and their representatives and employees for any and all injuries to me or my personal property.  I recognize that this is an event with very real risks to my well-being.  This release includes all injuries and/or damages suffered by me before, during or after the event. I recognize, intend and understand that this release is binding on my heirs, executors, administrators, or assignees.  

In addition, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases and voluntarily assume the risk that I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 and/or other communicable diseases by participating in this event. I acknowledge that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and/or death. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 in connection with my participation in this event and personally assume this risk.  

I certify as a material condition to my being permitted to enter this race that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained for the completion of this event and that my physical condition has been verified by a licensed Medical Doctor. By submitting this entry, I acknowledge (or a parent or adult guardian for all children under 18 years) having read and agreed to the above waiver. 


Regarding club supported fun runs (the executive committee did not discuss this), it is my recommendation that we adopt the following guidelines:

  1. All participants must complete the updated waiver with the communicable disease exclusion.
  2. Limit participants to 50.
  3. Participants and organizer must follow the club COVID mitigation plan (above).
This topic was modified 4 years ago 9 times by Adam Casseday

Lauren Beam
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 105

I think offering a full refund to self report symptoms is a great idea. I think a lot of poor decisions have been made to go to events this past year because people don't want to lose money.

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Adam - Thank you for your time and effort on this topic.  I do not have any edits or additions at this time.  

I believe this is the website we will use to determine the statewide cases/100K in the last 7 days -

You can see that we are currently at 60.7.  When we were discussing the metric a few weeks ago we were at 72.  So we have a downward trend.

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This is certainly far from "perfect".  Nothing is ever perfect.  We put a lot of time and thought into this, but I (and the executive committee) are wide-open for comments, questions, suggestions, edits, etc.  It is my hope that we agree upon and adopt these measure during this meeting.

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The third bullet point says "...must be equal to or less than 20 cases per 100K of WV population", but the attached WV-Color-Alert-Indicators.png file gives orange as 15-24.9 and red as 25 cases per 100,000. Is there a reason that the executive committee chose 20 cases instead of the numbers listed on the color chart?

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@arhodes5, compromised risk tolerance.

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The numerical mark was the most debated aspect of the suggested metric.

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I support the compromise of 20/100k. Any lower and it would nearly impossible to hold any event, much higher and it wouldn't be much of a limit. Thanks for

I also support the requirement that club fun runs follow the same guidelines, although congregation is king of the purpose of fun runs.

Thank you for reaching out to Dr. Sifri. Did the executive committee discuss including other metrics than just the 20/100k case rate?

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@arhodes5, we did consider other metrics, but none were discussed at length by the committee.  We agreed that that cases per 100K over 7-day average was the best metric to serve our needs.

Lauren Beam
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I do not have any edits or additions. I think it is smart & well thought out. I hope we can proceed with events this year! 

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Process: I think it is fitting that we should have a motion/second and vote upon these items.

Communication:  I believe that we should be transparent with the COVID-19 Metric and process with the club.  Once we have an approved measure, I will share the metric, guideline, and updated waiver with the race directors.  I think we should also post the COVID-metric and guidelines on our website.  Is that also the board's consensus?

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I agree that we should be transparent about the decision process, and I agree that it should be posted on the website. The welcome screen post about COVID can be updated or replaced to include this information in text or pdf.

I make a motion to approve the proposed COVID-19 Metric for Holding WVMTR Events.

Lauren Beam
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I second.

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I agree that guidelines should be explored to simplify the process of whether to hold an event or not given the ongoing pandemic.  The issue is difficult and nuanced.  Early in the pandemic, West Virginia had much lower numbers than other states in the region.  Preventing an influx of people traveling in from higher risk areas made absolute sense.  The laundry list of comorbidities and poor overall health in West Virginia, due in large part to culture and poverty, can’t be denied.  Early in the pandemic, metrics helped guide policy that kept us out of the worst-case scenario. 

 Last spring and summer, the governor gave a discount to West Virginia residents for campgrounds and lodges at our state parks to encourage people to get outside and move.  On my runs on the Kanawha Trace, at Beech Fork State Park, Dolly Sods and in the Seneca Backcountry, I saw more people taking advantage of the outdoors – camping, biking, getting healthier – than I had ever seen.  Families were out day hiking and spending time on the trails instead of the usual beach vacation. 

“The goal of the WVMTR is to encourage running and the healthy, positive qualities that running encompasses.”  The WVMTR mission is far more a positive impact than negative in the current pandemic.   Giving runners a goal race that leads to consistent running and healthy habits is even more important for those at the back of the pack, holding on to a new hobby or change in lifestyle.  Now more than ever, responsibly held club events and races can be WVMTR’s contribution toward improving the health of West Virginians and strengthening resilience against the next strain or virus.

I was able to attend three races last year.  The Breaks Ultra in Kentucky, Rim to River 100 and Hellgate 100K.  Each followed their state guidelines and did an excellent job at mitigating COVID using the methods listed in the original statement.  Personally, I hope prepackaged aid station food sticks around permanently!  The location of each race was either away from any population centers in a state park or something very similar in Ace Adventures.  Any additional traffic in the community was met with the same mitigation we see - reduced seating in restaurants, masks required indoors and social distancing requirements.  To date, I have not heard of any increase in COVID-19 infections tied to these three events.

Does cancelling a race once the metric of 20 per 100K in West Virginia reduce risk?  The number of racers that attend our events is likely not enough to move the needle.  The number represents the current rate of infection at a moment in time.  It allows us to compare for the sake of trend analysis but I don’t feel such a low threshold should be used to cancel a race.  It should inform our mitigation plan.  There are other measures that could be introduced. 

First and foremost, we should be focused on “The goal of the WVMTR is to encourage running and the healthy, positive qualities that running encompasses.” 


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Perhaps we can have a higher threshold for club fun runs, or no threshold if the event is small than a certain limit? It seems we supported a few club runs last year that occurred without issue, specifically because they attract fewer people.

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