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Item 3: Board Offic...
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Item 3: Board Officer Election

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Current slate:

President: Adam Casseday

Vice President: Andrew Rhodes

Treasurer: Lauren Beam

Secretary: vacant

Is there any discussion and are there nominations for any officer positions --vacant or not -- for the 2023 calendar year?

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Are the current officers interested in retaining their positions?  I am willing to serve again in the president role for the upcoming year.

Lauren Beam
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 88

I am good to continue as treasurer if that is welcomed. 

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 39

Is there any requirement to serve in an officer role, i.e. have to be on the board more than 2 years?  Seems like there should be for President and VP, maybe not for the others?  Either way, I am in support of Adam staying as President and Lauren as treasurer.  I will volunteer for the secretary position if there is no time requirement to serve in that role.

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@charleannej, yes we changed the club bylaws last year to read, "A board member must have serve at least one of the immediately preceding three years on the board prior to being eligible for the officer position of President or Treasurer.”

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Thanks Charlotte. Just so you know, the Secretary position historically has had no clearly formalized duties other than taking notes during the Annual Meeting.

This post was modified 1 year ago by Adam Casseday

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I volunteer to serve as the VP for another term. 

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Is there any further discussion regarding the proposed slate of officers as follows?:

President: Adam Casseday

Vice President: Andrew Rhodes

Treasurer: Lauren Beam

Secretary: Charlotte Wales

If not, I would entertain a motion to approve.

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 39

I will make a motion to approve.

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 71

I second the motion
