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Item 4: Trail Siste...
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Item 4: Trail Sisters Designation

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We voted at our last e-meeting to make all WVMTR events Trail Sister approved.  Bob, do you have an update to report on this process?

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Posts: 71

The standard practice would be for each RD to go to the below link and add the details of their race. There is zero cost to adding a race to the Trail Sisters Approved calendar.  If the RD would like their event to be featured on the site, the cost is a donation of $35 per event.  I feel that decision should remain with the RD since it is essentially a marketing budget decision for the enhanced listing.

The Trail Sisters Approved Race Calendar is here -

To recap the requirements to be Trail Sisters Approved -

  • Equal Podium Spots 
  • Equal Prize Money & Awards
  • Women’s specific swag & apparel.
  • Menstrual products at aid stations. 
  • Equal opportunity/space for women on the starting line.


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If all WVMTR races are going to be required to meet the Trail Sisters Approval requirements, my suggestion would be that the Board prepares a quick info sheet showing the information Bob listed above about what exactly the requirements are, mention the option of putting it on the calendar, and then adding a statement about why we as a board feel it is important to be “Trail Sisters Approved”.  

Not sure if we’d get any pushback from RD’s, but I think it would go over better if we explained why it’s important to us in the context of our Club’s mission/goals.

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The info sheet is a good idea. In the context of your newsletter idea, perhaps is can be written as a Club News Report for the website. Sort of lacking content right now, but I setup an designated area for it. Send it as an email, and also add it to the website for historical reference.


I'd like to add the Trail Sisters logo to our website. I can add it to each race page under the Sponsor section, or at the bottom portion of the whole website where it has the WVMTR and RRCA logos. Perhaps I should reach out to Trail Sisters to see if I need approval to use their image?

Lauren Beam reacted
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@charleannej I can put together an info sheet and communicate that to the other RDs.

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@arhodes5, I believe if we have our events Trail Sister approved, then using their logo would be fine.  It certainly never hurts to ask though.

Bob Luther reacted
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@bob-luther, that seems like a good plan to me.  Thanks for doing this Bob.

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@arhodes5 I sent them an email after nosing around their site.  The path for individual races is clear, but couldn't find an answer for the club.  I will let you know how they reply.

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@acasseday That was the gist of my email to them.  Can we use the logo on the club page if each of our sponsored events are Trail Sister Approved.

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@bob-luther, good deal.  Thanks for taking the initiative to reach out to them.
