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Item 2: Treasurer's...
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Item 2: Treasurer's Report

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Please give us a report Lauren.   After Lauren gives her report, I would entertain a motion and a second to accept.

Lauren Beam
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 88

Hi all! Sorry for hopping on so late, tax season is in full swing for me!


Balances as of 1/18/24

Money Market- $53,515.37



TOTAL $83,965.20


Recent Races-

Helvetia 10k netted $438 that was donated to charity 

Trilogy netted $1701. $1395.60 was put back into the club and the rest donated to charity. 

Sasquatch looked like a success! Dolin has not sent me financials yet. Which is normal, it has not been very long at all. 

Upcoming is Muddy Mutt in March. 


Any questions please let me know!

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Posts: 24

I make a motion we accept the financial report as presented.

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Posts: 39

I second the motion.

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@laurbeam20, cash is down a bit in our checking.  Any concerns there?  

Lauren Beam
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 88

Nothing looks out of the ordinary on the account. In my time as treasurer we have dipped this time of year, compared to January 2023 we are actually higher by about 2k. We have had several large payments go out recently with the rent to Experience Learning (10k) and our RRCA renewal(2k).


I looked back at old meeting minutes and at Matt's treasurer reports in previous Januarys, but it is hard to compare since the 2020-2022 were funky with COVID.


I am working on finishing up bookkeeping for 2023 and that will be a better metric to see where we are. Matt mentioned historically we tend to be around a net profit of 10K so I would like to see us be at or around that metric. I will have this information completed by the next board meeting and we can compare a little better. The whole year will be more accurate to analyze vs just a moment in time if that makes sense. 

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@laurbeam20, that was my gut feeling, but thanks for confirming.  I think we are in a good place financially.  I just don't want us to get complacent.  Thanks for keeping such great tabs on everything.  You are doing an excellent job!

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Posts: 24

@laurbeam20 And congratulations on #2!

Lauren Beam
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 88

@kaernigmail-com Thank you!! Almost halfway there. Somehow my due date is within 10 days of HS40. I am going to be majorly bummed if we can't make it! I might be there 39 weeks pregnant or with a very fresh newborn! We will see 🙂
