West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
@asdolin, the highlighted section is the only recommended addition.
I will vote as a rare tie-breaker: Yes Yes Yes Yes All motions pass. Meeting adjourned. I will share the COVID related measures in Item 4...
Voting and wrap-up. Please vote accordingly for the below items: Item 1 Previous Meeting Minutes: Minutes from 10/7/20 meeting. We have a motion...
We have a motion and a second. If there is no further discussion, we will vote at the conclusion of the meeting under Item 6.
There is a motion made. Is there a second? @daniel @bob-luther @asdolin @matt @laurbeam20
@arhodes5, I don't believe that the state or federal government has a set metric for outdoor sporting events. Regardless, trail running is quite a di...
@arhodes5, I believe that is the plan, but I have not had any concrete correspondence with Zeke. He has board approval to proceed.