West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
We have a motion and a second. If there is no further discussion, we will vote at the conclusion of the meeting under Item 6.
This is certainly far from "perfect". Nothing is ever perfect. We put a lot of time and thought into this, but I (and the executive committee) are w...
@arhodes5, do you accept the nomination?
I would personally be willing to continue to serve in the president role for the upcoming year. I would also like to nominate Andrew Rhodes for vice ...
Thank you all and, particularly, thank you Bill Potts and Dan Lehmann for your service to our club for so many many years. You will both be certainly...
@matt, happy to add you to the ballot.
Voting and wrap-up. Please vote accordingly for the below items: Item 1 Previous Meeting Minutes: Minutes from 8/4/20 meeting. We have a motion ...
@matt, we already have a similar motion by Ashley. Can we count this as a second?
Thanks @asdolin. Would there be a second?