West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
@dlehmann, I don't believe we did an order last fall. It must have been '18. We had a couple of leftover jackets in our stash, but I believe they ar...
Is there a second?
@hillbillywill, I certainly appreciate your contributions to this board and to the club.
@daniel, that's a fine question. I think we should be assessing global risk, trying to interpret the complex state guidance, and assessing scientific...
Gregg has a COVID mitigation plan that I believed he shared with us (I can resend if necessary). I intentionally did not attach the plan because I do...
2021 Meeting Schedule: Are Thursdays still preferable or is there consensus to move our e-meetings to earlier in the business week?
Thanks everyone. I will contact Zeke Smith about Canary. Meeting adjourned.
@hillbillywill, be sure to vote under Item 8 so that everything is clear and concise.