West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
Thanks Matt. Any discussion? If not, I would entertain a motion and a second to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented.
@hillbillywill, we certainly can have such a discussion. Let's table it for another meeting for the time being.
I do not believe that any club property was used (simply judging from pics I saw). @Matt, maybe you can chime in since you helped with some of the ai...
@dlehmann, I agree that we should have that discussion. Let's discuss that under the COVID-19 forum topic.
@dlehmann, we can try to coordinate that later in the year.
@matt, no. Here is the email I received this morning, "I’m looking into resurrecting the middle Ridge monster. After looking at the calendar and disc...
I received an email this morning from Mr. Michael Dolin requesting fun-run funding ($200) to hold a group run at Kanawha State Forest. The Middle Rid...