West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
All motions passed. Meeting adjourned. Thank you all.
I would like to see more fun and community infused into our 2023 goals and objectives. Club supported fun runs are one of the best conduits to effic...
@kaernigmail-com. Good discussion Katie. These are really good questions that we should be considering often. That is one reason why we have a miss...
@bob-luther, Thanks.
Item 1: Minutes from 10/20/22 e-Meeting: Motion and second to approve the minutes from the 10/20/22 e-meeting. PLEASE VOTE Item 2: Treasurer's Repo...
@bob-luther, then yes, we will have to have new cards issued. I will explore options and circle back to the board via email with next steps. Would y...
@charleannej, Thanks Charlotte!
I do not believe that we need a motion or vote to establish Charlotte as the Membership Chair, only consensus. Just for clarity, Charlotte, do you ac...
Is there any further discussion regarding the proposed slate of officers as follows?: President: Adam Casseday Vice President: Andrew Rhodes Tre...
@bob-luther, thanks Bob.