Member’s Forum

Adam Casseday
Topics: 163 / Replies: 443
RE: Item 9: Membership

@charleannej, you could certainly do both. The secretary position really is quite simple with the only real duty being the note taker at the Annual M...

1 year ago
RE: Item 1: Minutes from 10/20/22 Annual Meeting

@charleannej, maybe that's something else you can remedy should you take on the Membership Chair? You go to: click on Membership Benefits and the...

1 year ago
RE: Item 7: Club Banking

Andrew, did we get you added? I can't recall. @charleannej, Dan/I will contact Huntington Bank to initiate the process. Likely, President, VP,...

1 year ago
RE: Item 1: Minutes from 10/20/22 Annual Meeting

@charleannej, I'm not sure I entirely understand your question. If you mean for a quick way for you to review, then I would simply look at the "Votin...

1 year ago
RE: Item 3: Board Officer Election

Thanks Charlotte. Just so you know, the Secretary position historically has had no clearly formalized duties other than taking notes during the Annual...

1 year ago
RE: Item 3: Board Officer Election

@charleannej, yes we changed the club bylaws last year to read, "A board member must have serve at least one of the immediately preceding three years ...

1 year ago
RE: Item 9: Membership

@laurbeam20, my thoughts exactly. I would like to nominate Charlotte for this role. Charlotte, should you accept this newly created role, I pro...

1 year ago
RE: Item 5: Club Information Emails

That's EXACTLY my idea for the suggested new position of Membership Chair (see Item 9) -- I just didn't share my thoughts and ideas very succinctly. ...

1 year ago
RE: Item 7: Club Banking

@laurbeam20, I will work on getting that arranged. Thank you!

1 year ago
RE: Item 7: Club Banking

@laurbeam20, I believe we went with Huntington Bank -- way back when -- because there was access in Elkins and in the Kanawha Valley. I was under the...

1 year ago
RE: Item 10: Other Business

I recently saw a post on the Allegheny Trail Facebook page, where the West Virginia Scenic Trails Association (WVSTA) was requesting funds to build a ...

1 year ago
RE: Item 3: Board Officer Election

Are the current officers interested in retaining their positions? I am willing to serve again in the president role for the upcoming year.

1 year ago
2 years ago
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