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[Closed] Item 7 New Business - Election of WVMTR Officers

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Joined: 7 years ago
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Annually at this time we vote in officers for the upcoming year. Currently they are; Dan Lehmann President, Adam Casseday VP, Dan Todd Secretary, Matt Young Treasurer. I am stepping down as President, but I am still on the board. We need to hear from other incumbents as to their desires. Nominations are open for President, VP, Secretary, and Treasurer.  

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Posts: 172

I am happy to continue as Treasurer if no one else wants to serve in the role.

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Posts: 71

I would like to nominate Dan Todd for president. 

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Posts: 159

I appreciate the nomination but I sit on three volunteer boards and I’m already the president of one.   I’m looking to reduce my commitments for some balance but I will serve as secretary again if nominated.  

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Posts: 159

Is this the time I'm suppose to beg Lehmann to stay as president and profusely thank him for his 16 years of service... 😉  I think it goes without saying.

Thanks Dan for all you've done as president.


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Thank you Dan for your comments. I want to stay involved with the board, I just feel strongly another should step up. Gradual evolution is good and relatively painless.  

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I would be willing to do it -- if this group would find me fit for nomination.  Don't expect me to fill Lehmann's shoes though; I would promise to do my best.

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I nominate Adam Casseday for President.

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Would Dan Lehmann accept the position of Vice President?

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Dan Todd for Secretary

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Yes I would be VP for a year.

Pete Daly
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 49

You the man!

Pete Daly
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 49

Adam for pres

lehmann for vp 

matt money man

DT secretary 

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Posts: 171

Pete, if that is a motion I will second it!
