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Item 5: Experience Learning Adult Running Camp

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Katie Wolpert (of Experience Learning) is planning an Adult Running Camp for next August.  Details here:

She would like our board to discuss how WVMTR might want to be involved in this event.

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Does she have any recommendations on how we might be involved or for what their needs are? We can certainly help promote it since it's part of the WV Trilogy and I suspect they will get some folks to run because of that.  

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Matt, she simply made an open-ended request for us to start the discussion about how we as a club may want to be involved.  Obviously this could be many things; ie. presence and/or financial support.

I told Katie that I would bring this to the board.  I don't think we need to come to any conclusions today, but my goals were to: 1) be aware of the event 2) think about how/if we as a club want to be involved  3) think over any financial connections/support of such a venture.

The Wilderness Running Camp was successful and will happen again in 2019.  I personally like the idea of our continued financial support of that event and possibly leaning more toward the support of presence and/or  WVMTR swag for the Adult Running Camp.

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I echo Matt's comments. Does she have any specific requests or needs? Maybe she could ask for volunteers to help. I see the fee is $300 to attend. Not sure about how we would otherwise support it financially.

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The adult weekend camp idea about following the first youth Wilderness Running Camp in 2018.  They may even call it a Trilogy Trainer.

However, while the adult camp is interesting, I feel continuing our financial support for the youth Wilderness Running Camp would be more appropriate.  

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Absolutely.   I would like us to continue to support that camp at the level in which we did last year.  We gave $500 last year that went toward paying half of two instructor stipends.  

Would anyone entertain such a motion?

Pete Daly
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I motion that we continue the $500 support for the kids camp. 

For the adult camp we could offer Membership and a shirt. That’s only a $30 value. I would be interested in being a volunteer trail guide if wanted/needed. 

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I second the motion to support the kids camp with $500.  

I also like Pete's idea of membership and a shirt with a paid registration.  

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I hate to be that guy but we are entertaining motions before all board members have logged in and completed discussion.  Ashley may have something to add   


I personally dont don’t have anything to say about the camp.  

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Have we ever given a 1-year free membership?  I kind of like the idea.

We'll see Katie tomorrow night at the Fox Forest run Pete.  I'm sure she'll like the idea of you helping out an an adult counselor.  "You look kind of thirsty sir.  Better grab yourself another beer . . ."

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Posted by: Daniel Todd

I hate to be that guy but we are entertaining motions before all board members have logged in and completed discussion.  Ashley may have something to add   


I personally dont don’t have anything to say about the camp.  

Once the meeting has started, any motions may be made, seconded, and discussed with voting to commence once the discussion has ended. 

Silence is approval in my book.

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We have a motion and second to support the youth Wilderness Running Camp at the $500 level that we did last year.  There is discussion regarding the support of the new Adult Running Camp and the possibility of giving participants a free 1-year WVMTR membership and a club shirt.  Is there any further discussion regarding this?  We would need a motion and a second to vote upon the matter.

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I move to offer registrants of the adult wilderness running camp a free one year individual or family membership and a WVMTR club shirt.

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I like the financial support idea, but as to where we can help with the event; I can't figure out ways unless Katie personally voices them. If there is a need we can't see it being outsiders, so Katie should have to let us know what she wants. We are all more than willing to help out in any way possible.

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Is there a second to Matt Young's motion?

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