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Item 5: Emergency P...
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[Closed] Item 5: Emergency Preparedness

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Attached is the document that we voted upon to send to the Race Directors for comment.   There were no comments.  Now I would entertain further discussion and/or possible motion for acceptance.

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Just so we are clear, since the document has a spot for an RD signature, are we asking RDs to sign this?  And if so, what are they agreeing to by signing?  

It seems to me that if a signature is required it should be a simple acknowledgement that the document was received and read and the RD will make best efforts to follow these guidelines as much as it is appropriate for  their race.

Otherwise, I support publishing and using this guide. 


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Posts: 71

You are correct Matt Young. This document is a WVMTR guideline. By signing the guideline one acknowledges that they have reviewed the document and will attempt to abide by the guidelines. Since we received no feedback from the non-board race directors I strongly suggest that each RD sign the document in accordance with the Board's recommendations. 

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I honestly expected some push-back from the RD's for the signature.  As we share the adopted document with them, we will simply need to explain that this is a guideline that our board expects race directors to attempt to abide by; the signature will merely confirm their acknowledgment.

What is the consensus on how we should disseminate this guideline?   1) email with sending back the last page signed  2) annual meeting in July  3) other ideas?

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I expect some pushback too and I expect DT might have some thoughts on that so I'm sure he will express those here.

I'd be in favor of adding a line above the signature something like, "By my signature, I acknowledge that I have read and understand these guidelines for safety and planning considerations for WVMTR events."

A simple acknowledgement will do.

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Not all RD's will be able to attend the annual meeting. I think an email would do.

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Posted by: Ashley Dolin

Not all RD's will be able to attend the annual meeting. I think an email would do.

I agree Ashley.

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Posted by: Matt Young

I expect some pushback too and I expect DT might have some thoughts on that so I'm sure he will express those here.

I'd be in favor of adding a line above the signature something like, "By my signature, I acknowledge that I have read and understand these guidelines for safety and planning considerations for WVMTR events."

A simple acknowledgement will do.

I think that makes sense Matt.  I support that addition.

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It’s titled that it is guide.  I would like a line that states that signing acknowledges receiving the guide.  

That hopefully will protect a RD and the club if an accident happens and the guide wasn’t followed to the letter.  Not following the plan to the letter doesn’t equal negligence.  

Pete Daly
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I support Matt’s addition and agree email is best delivery/return plan

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I support amending the signature line as Matt and Dan T suggest. 

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Good discussion.  Would anyone like to make a motion?

Pete Daly
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I motion to pass with the amendments

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and Dan Todd is right. It's a guide and not following it to the T doesn't equal negligence. You want a guide to show that you are trying to be safe vs not having a guide and everyone doing something different. If anything a guide makes us more competent as a board and running club.
