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Item 10: Voting

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Member Admin
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We will vote on all pertinent topics if/when indicated (i.e. if a motion is made and seconded).   I will email everyone when it is time to vote.

Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 658
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Voting and wrap-up.  Please vote accordingly for the below items: 

Item 1 Previous Meeting Minutes: Minutes from 4/23/19 and 7/27/19 meetings.  We have a motion and second to accept the minutes. Please vote. 

Item 2: Treasure's report: We have a motion and second to accept the report and adding Adam Casseday and Matthew Young as account signers.  Please vote. 

Next step: Dan will add Matt and Adam to banking account.  Dan will discuss with the local Huntington Bank branch to place our savings funds in either: 1) the higher yielding money market or 2) short term CD not to exceed 1 year.     

Item 3: WVMTR Annual Meeting: No vote necessary.  The consensus is to continue with the Annual Meeting at SMS this summer.  The SMS owners will discuss dates and get back to us in regard to availability. 

Item 4: BOD Annual Election: No vote necessary. Casseday, Daly, Dolin wish to remain on the board.  Next step: Casseday will write general membership seeking nominations and will formulate a balloting process if there are other nominees.   

Item 5: Club Purchases: We have a motion and second to approve the spending to replace the south unit battery and to purchase another bluetooth interface for the north Time Machine.  Please vote. 

It was also discussed the idea of the club purchasing satellite messenger devices for emergency communication purpose. 

Next Step: Casseday and Lehmann will research thoroughly the world of satellite communication devices and come back to the board with a proposal.    

Item 6: CPR/First Aid Training: No vote necessary.  Casseday and Lehmann will research and report back a proposal for club-supported training options. 

Item 7: Mountain State Trail Run Series: No vote necessary.  Discussion only and consensus is that it is a good program and worthy of continuing in 2020. Dan Todd wishes to step down as the data wizard.  Dan Lehmann and Andrew Rhodes have the knowledge.  Interested in taking the reigns Lehmann?

Item 8: Annual Meeting Topics for Further Discussion: No vote necessary.  Discussion only regarding RD incentives and communication.  Agreed that we should foster depth in race direction and steer away from compensation.  Also agreed that supporting and growing our club’s race communication capabilities is important. 

Item 9: Other Business: No vote necessary.  No discussion and no committee reports. 


2020 Meeting Dates:  1/23/20 (e-meeting), 4/23/20 (e-meeting), 7/?/20 (Annual Meeting, SMS), 10/22/20 (e-meeting) 

Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 144


1. Yes

2. Yes

5. Yes on TM purchase
    Yes on further investigate emergency satellite communication

7. Yes, Andrew is on board too.


Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 71

1. Yes

2. Yes

5. Yes

Pete Daly
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 49

Yes on 1,2,5

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 172



2. Abstain

5. Yes


Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 159

1. Yes

2. Yes

5. Yes on TM purchase
    Yes on further investigate emergency satellite communication

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 184

Yes to #1 #2 and #5

Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 658
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Thank you all.  Meeting adjourned.
