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Item 14: Voting

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Member Admin
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We will vote on all pertinent topics if/when indicated (i.e. if a motion is made and seconded).   I will email everyone when it is time to vote.

Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
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Voting and wrap-up.  Please vote accordingly for the below items:  

Item 1 Previous Meeting Minutes: Minutes from 10/24/19 meeting.  We have a motion and second to accept the minutes. Please vote.  

Item 2: Treasure's report: We have a motion and second to accept the report.  Please vote.  

Item 3: Board Officer Election: We have a motion and second to accept the current slate of officers. President: Casseday, Vice President: Lehmann, Treasurer: Young, Secretary: Todd.  Please vote.  

Item 4: Committee Reports:  Motion and second to: 1) Purchase four satellite communication devices 2) Have CPR/First Aid training at the Annual Meeting and to reimburse RD’s/Volunteers that might wish to obtain the training from a WV Public Service Training facility.  Please vote. 

Next Steps:  It was also discussed and decided that Pete Daly will continue to manage our RunSignUp membership and will take care of renewals, thank you notes for donations, etc.  Also, Casseday agreed to take on the RRCA renewals and certificates. 

Item 5: WVMTR Annual Meeting: We have a motion and second to budget up to $1000 to host the Annual Meeting July 25-26, 2020 at SMS.  Please vote.  

Item 6: Mini-Grant Requests:  We have a motion and second to support Highlands Sky Work/Trainer, Midsummer Nights Run, and Fox Forest run up to $200 each.  Please vote. 

Item 7: Donation Request:  Motion and second to donate $1,000 to the Hurricane Development Authority for the development of the Meeks Mountain Trails.  Please vote. 

Item 8: WVMTR General Election Process and Planning:  Casseday and Rhodes will execute the 2021 election with a call for nominees in mid-October;  candidates photo and statement submitted by November 1; election held November 6-13, 2020.  No vote necessary. 

Item 9: Soliciting Membership Donations: Motion and second to remove the donation function from the membership new or renewal pages.  Please vote. 

Item 10: Meeting Minutes/Report Shared with Membership:  The consensus was that we wish to be more transparent as a board and we will post a BOD Meeting synopsis/summary in our password protected section of the website.  Casseday will draft the documents. 

Item 11: Experience Learning Camp Support: Motion and second to support EL for the Wilderness Running Camp with $500 to go toward paying half of two instructors stipends and to donate to the Adult Camp WVMTR gear, along with a complimentary 1-year WVMTR club membership.  Please vote. 

Item 12: Canary in the Cave:  The board was advised that race director Stewart Caldwell shared his plans to either change the Canary in the Cave race specifics, or possibly step away all together.  No action necessary. 

Item 13: Other Business: Andrew Rhodes shared his idea to create a Google calendar that would encompass all WVMTR events and place it on the website for people to subscribe to.  The consensus was appreciation for a fine idea.  No vote necessary. 

Upcoming Meeting Dates:  4/23/20 (e-meeting), 7/25/20 (Annual Meeting, SMS), 10/22/20 (e-meeting) 

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 172

1. Yes

2. Abstain

3. Yes

4. Yes

5. Yes

6. Yes

7.  Yes

9. Yes

11. Yes


Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 131

1. Yes

2. Yes

3. Yes

4. Yes

5. Yea

6. Yes

7. Yes

9. Yes

11. Yes

Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 144

1. yes

2. yes

3. yes

4. yes

5. yes

6. yes

7. yes

9. yes

11. yes

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 184

1. I approve of the minutes.

2. I accept the report.

3. Yes to current slate of officers.

4. Yes to both

5. Yes to date and budget

6. Yes to fund amazing runs.

7. Yes to donate.

9. Yes.

10. Sounds good

11. Yes

Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 658
Topic starter  

Motions carried.  Meeting adjourned.
