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Item 7: Donation Re...
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Item 7: Donation Request

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Matt Young has an item for discussion.

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There are some new trails being developed in Hurricane on private land and with volunteer effort. The Meeks family has been very supportive of the trails being developed on their property and the work is being led by a group of mountain bikers but we also have several WVMTR members that are involved in the trail building. They have 26 miles planned over the next 5 years.  They've built more than 5 miles in less than 2 years. 

I'm requesting $1000 donation to the trails. This would be used for signs, markers, and supplies for the trails.  Supplies might be for drains and diversions. The equipment has been donated so far but additional tools will be needed.  The Hurricane Development Authority is collecting donations for this use. 

They are building trails to increase access to the woods for the purpose of encouraging active and healthy lifestyles, just the kind of thing that WVMTR is fond of.  We have a lot of members in this valley that are already using these trails.  

Here's a news story that was recently done by the local TV station:


Here's the closed FB group:   They might let you in.

Thanks for the consideration.

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I have concerns about donating to a private entity. While their intentions may be good, there are no guarantees of prolonged access to these trails.

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Reviewing the links provided it looks like there is a solid relationship between the City of Hurricane and the Meeks family on the property. Can we get more information on this? The City may have some long term agreement or lease. Who would the donation go to?

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I don't really think of the Hurricane Development Authority as a private entity.    It's city government in my mind:   I realize that the trails are on private land, but it sounds like they have graciously agreed to give the community access.  Fox Forest is a similar situation and when I got involved it had just been leased by the owners to the DNR as a Wildlife Management Area; it continues as such today -- privately owned, but leased by the State DNR.  This donation would be a big step in giving this group some traction to this project and for us, some good PR.

If we gave a one-time donation of $1,000 to the Hurricane Development Authority with it ear-marked for use of the trail building project, I am confident that Matt could keep a watchful eye in his community that these monies are not diverted.  This certainly is in line with our mission and I like the idea of us reinvesting our profits in our WV communities (we made over $10K last year and have over $100K in cash).

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We need to know who the donation is going to. Is the Hurricane Development Authority managing the monies?   I don't believe a nonprofit can donate  to a private entity if the donation is going to an asset regardless of the intent of the donation.

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The donation is to the Hurricane Development Authority which is holding and distributing the funds. This is is a public / private partnership between the city of Hurricane and the Meeks family.   Members of the Meeks family have been involved in building the trails.  They have been in the community for years and own a considerable amount of real estate.  The trail head is located on Hurricane City Park property.  I've run on their property for years the last 15 years without any issue on access.  

I asked Brandon Doerner who has been the chief trail builder and the one who initiated the project and this was his response, "I'm a land owner and complete respect land owner rights. Nothing in life is permanent  That's the risk, so I just enjoy it while we can. On the reality side we are starting to organize those efforts. Meeks is certainly on board with long term plans and we just need to work out the details."


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What if we donated $500 instead of $1000?  Would the board be more favorable to that scenario?  We could be apprised of the status of the work and give more at a later date if warranted and necessary.

I'm simply trying to read the silence and offer a solution.  I would like to see us contribute to this cause.

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I do share Bill's concerns about improving private land.  If it was my tax monies I would be be opposed unless every landowner had equal access to the money and it was for the public good.

This is non-profit funds raised by us and it is being given to a non-profit agency for a specific purpose that is supported by our clubs mission.

The Hurricane Development authority is current with the SOS office -

In this situation I would agree to the donation if it is going to the development authority.  If they came back for more money I would want to see receipts and photo documentation of want they used the original funds for prior to a 2nd gift.

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What if we get a list of set items the group needs and purchase some of these to benefit those helping to make the trails longer and more open to all who love using them? 

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I move to donate $1000 for the development of the Meeks Mountain Trails in Hurricane with check payable to the Hurricane Development Authority and to be used as the organizers see fit. 

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I'm going to vote no on the donation to Meeks Mountain Trails. I think this should remain a local community fundraising partnership. I have hesitations in donating to a privately held entity.

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I second Matt's motion.  Any further discussion.
