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Item 6: Canary

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Dan Todd had some correspondence in regard to Canary that he asked to be placed upon the agenda.

This topic was modified 4 years ago by Adam Casseday

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Zeke Smith expressed an interest in becoming the RD for CnC and continuing the race.  He has received Stewart's blessing to continue it.  He lives in Huntington but his dad lives in Fayetteville so he states he is there every other weekend.  He is an active club member in good standing.  He has ample experience directing and timing races.  He has stated that APTiming's services will not be used and he would time it using the clubs equipment.  He really just wants to see the club maintain a race in the Fayetteville area.

He knows that the weekend has been taken by the rescheduled HnH race and is open to moving the race to December.

I think approving him to take over the race is a separated decision than if the race should be run this year due to Covid.  He's considering holding an unsupported fun run on the course to bridge the gap between last year and a 2021 race after Covid.

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I'm in favor of Zeke taking over Canary.  

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The disassociation of APTiming is good and of course necessary. However, before we get too far ahead of ourselves, shouldn't we also be discussing club events during Covid through the end of the year, and what constitutes a club fun run, or club unsupported run. I believe Matt's planned fun run was limited to 10 or so. WVMTR should not be encouraging large gatherings even if called fun or unsupported.  

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@dlehmann, I agree that we should have that discussion.   Let's discuss that under the COVID-19 forum topic.

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@daniel, am I remembering correctly, but was there not some issue years ago with Zeke at the Dirty Dog?  If I'm remembering correctly, can you remind me/us what happened.  My memory is a little foggy.

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@dlehmann This Friday is limited to 25 since that's the governor's stated limit for groups. Although, I don't think that applies to outside sporting events when distancing can be achieved.  I still wanted to limit the participants to not exceed the 25 so we can space very easily.  I eliminated club provided food and beverages and asked everyone to bring their own if they wanted it for afterwards. Since it's a night run people just may go home. 

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Posted by: @acasseday

@daniel, am I remembering correctly, but was there not some issue years ago with Zeke at the Dirty Dog?  If I'm remembering correctly, can you remind me/us what happened.  My memory is a little foggy.

Back when the DD sold out people would call to beg to be register.  That year I decided to not engage those runners and just not reply.  Two runners contacted Zeke directly and he told them to show up on race day.  He gave them numbers but registered them as 99 years old so they wouldn't qualify for any awards.  His logic was there is plenty of room in the forest and that people should run if they want to.   In retrospect I made a bigger deal out of it than it was.  Did they sign waivers, no...  Did they used aid but not pay and entry fee, sure.   I was upset but it also taught me a lesson as to not sweat the small stuff.  If I had it to do over I would have handled it differently.  I was really stressed at that point in time.  

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Let me add that I don't think that should have bearing on the decision to let the race pass to a new RD.  His timing of the DD has been flawless since.

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I also support Zeke as the new RD. Perhaps returning the race in 2021 is better than 2020. Absolutely cannot have the conflict of interest with APT timing, so that decision to not use for CC it is good.

I've also responded under COVID Response about what the Board's position should be on 'fun runs', 'club runs', and 'races'.


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Water under the bridge? I am in support of Zeke taking over Canary, but maybe in we will vote on later.

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@daniel, thanks Dan Todd.  I knew there was an issue, but couldn't recall the precise specifics.  Thanks for the explanation. 

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We will need a motion for any action.

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I move that we let Zeke Smith, a member in good standing, take over the Canary in Cave to be held when the pandemic mitigation plan allows.  

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Is there a second?

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