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Item 7: Other Busin...
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Item 7: Other Business

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Any items of new or old business not addressed by the agenda?

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I received an email this morning from Mr. Michael Dolin requesting fun-run funding ($200) to hold a group run at Kanawha State Forest.  The Middle Ridge Monster is tentatively planned for 10/3.  Discussion?  If none, I would entertain a motion and second to approve the funding.

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I assume that he is following the same guidelines that Matt is using for his fun run?  Has he received permission from the forest superintendent? 

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Adam,  Did Mr. Michael Dolin provide any details and what the $200 will be used for?  

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@matt, no.  Here is the email I received this morning, "I’m looking into resurrecting the middle Ridge monster. After looking at the calendar and discussing it I think October 3 works well. With a possible September 26 if needed. Ashley said y’all had a board meeting in a few days so I figured I’d give you a quick heads up about it."

I imagine for the normal amenities of food, beverages, etc.

Matt Young reacted
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Will number of participants be limited? Will they need to submit an entry or something to control that number?

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Why are we discussing funding a fun run when most if not all of our races will be cancelled for the year out. No gatherings of 25 or more people. At this time, I am not in favor of funding this request.

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@dlehmann and @hillbillywill, I shared all the information I was presented, but I am certain that Dolin would be compliant in following State and WVMTR BOD guidelines. I believe the more specific conversation is not whether to support Mike's proposed fun run, but whether we want to continue club supported fun runs during the COVID-19 pandemic.  We will continue that discussion under the COVID-19 topic and return to this topic should we have a motion to accept the support of the Middle Ridge Monster fun run.

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The money will be used for illegal drugs and out of state fire works. Also, the fun run starts and finishes off of forest property. Dolin has the property owners blessing and as before runners hijacked the event having an event on their own last time the event was cancelled. Only 4 runners came to the event. 12 hour fun run means no one will cross paths like usual runs...similar to Cacapon. Understandable if the money is denied. Runners will still gather and the event will still take place. Just no mention of the club. Locals are just wanting something to happen this year even if it is for fun.

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If there is no further discussion, is there a motion to support and adopt the Middle Ridge Monster 12-hr Run at the customary fun-run amount of $200?

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So moved, in conjunction with the soon to be adopted fun run covid policy.

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We have a motion.  Is there a second?

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I will second.

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I vote not to support the run at this time. Bring your own drugs and illegal fireworks to your fun run. the club need not support an organized event at this time.

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@hillbillywill, be sure to vote under Item 8 so that everything is clear and concise.
