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Item 5: BOD Annual ...
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Item 5: BOD Annual Election

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The following two year terms are set to expire: Lehmann, Todd, Young, and Potts.  Do you four wish to seek another 2-year term?

Per our procedure established at our 1/23/20 meeting, I will email the general membership next week seeking other nominations. Candidate photos and statements will be submitted by November 1; election held November 6-13, 2020. 

This topic was modified 4 years ago by Adam Casseday

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I’ll serve another term. 

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Its been an honor to serve on the board these many years. This year has not been fun. I am too far removed from some of the clubs events to be an effective board member. I will step aside for some new blood in the mix. I would like to step away without any fanfare please. I would like to see another young person like Andrew become aboard member. We need youth, talent and balance to help the club remain healthy. 

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@hillbillywill, I certainly appreciate your contributions to this board and to the club.

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I am stepping down.

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@acasseday, I can help setup the candidate information page and the voting page again this year. We will need to work with Pete to send emails with voting information to club members.

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Potts and Lehmann, I have the utmost respect for you and thank you for your many years of contributions. WVMTR will continue on for many years thanks to the groundwork you've laid.  You will be missed.

I also would like to step down and make room for a new contributor. I realize it's probably not easy to fill an officer's role. I plan to nominate Bob Luther and he said he would like to serve and has the time and desire. He also is open to serving as treasurer if the board sees fit. I will be available to facilitate the transition to the new treasurer whether it's Bob or anyone else. Bob is financially minded and can fill the role.

Stability and experience on the board are vital. New perspectives and enthusiasm are also important. I considered it an honor to be nominated six years ago and to serve along side all of you fine folks. Others that love the club like we do should have the same privilege.

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Charlotte Johnson was asking to be on the board. Nice to have another female. I nominate her! Also, Julie Tisone! 

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I respect everyone's desire to step aside, but I think this much turn-over is not a good thing for this board of for the club.  I frankly wish you would all reconsider and at least let the club members decide.

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@arhodes5, thanks Andrew.  We'll talk soon and figure out the logistics.

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@asdolin, this is not the period for open nominations.  I will email everyone next week and you are free to nominate whomever you wish.  I simply was desiring to ascertain existing board members' wishes to proceed as incumbents in the election.

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This year has been a particularly difficult one to be a human, let alone a board member. I can say how helpful it is to have a few consistent board members for the newbies like me to learn about Board functions and Club operations. Institutional knowledge is important to keep around just as much as it is to introduce knew ideas.

I hope to see a long list of nominees, including new candidates and incumbents.

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Lehmann, Potts, and Young,

I’m sad to see you move on from the board but I know you are not moving on from the club.  I hope to see you out on the trail in the future.  

Change is not bad and as we move past the pandemic in 3-6 months (hopefully) the new board will continue the club mission the three of you help shape.  

With both Dan and Matt stepping down there is significant banking changes that will need to be made.  We may want to review our bylaws and procedures.  It is important that we have segregation of duties when it comes to the finances of the club.  

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@daniel, agreed.  We will need to make some financial logistical changes in the near future.

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sorry about posting nominees here, just thinking "out loud"

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