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Item 1: Discussion about possible dissolution of COVID metric for holding WVMTR Events

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Due to recent changes within our country in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic, I believe that we should discuss the possibility of abolishing our COVID Metric.  Here are some reasons that support the fact that the situation has changed and that our metric is now possibly obsolete:

  1. Updated mask mandates on Federal and State levels. 5/14 changes for vaccinated individuals and 6/20 planned end for statewide mask mandate.
  2. Broad access to vaccination for those that wish to be vaccinated.
  3. Our metric has become unrealistic:  We are at 115.1 cases per 100k over the last 7-days (on 5/18/21). Unless the numbers drastically change, we most likely will not be able to hold any WVMTR events under the current metric

There are many other supporting details, but those above are the biggest points that have led us to this meeting.  When we created the metric, there was still much uncertainty surrounding the pandemic and we wished to free ourselves of voting/discussing whether to hold each event based upon feelings and opinions.  The metric was set to give us the bar of predetermined notion.  While the situation is far from over, the risk -- personal, corporate, and legal -- has certainly shifted to a more hopeful posture.  I believe that we can now safely move forward with events, assuming the RD's are willing to take the helm, and return to some assemblance of normalcy within our running community without any undo risk to our runners, volunteers, communities, or legal consequences for this board of directors.

It is my recommendation that we rescind our COVID-19 metric for holding WVMTR events. 


Matt Young reacted
Lauren Beam
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 105

I agree with Adam. 


When I voted yes for the metric it was out of an abundance of caution regarding outbreaks and liability. I feel that both of those risks have been significantly reduced since we made the metric.  I personally have begun signing up for other events so I would feel comfortable attending WVMTR races.  

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With the governor rescinding the mask order for all effective 6/20/2021 and the CDC saying that outdoor transmission is extremely low I believe that we can remove our metric.  Events can resume without additional BOD covid approval.

The metric was less about transmission during the race but more about all the activities around the event and bringing runners from outside WV into our community.  Now that there is a wide availability of the vaccine people may run and volunteer at our events with miniscule risk.

This also lowers the risk to the club and us personally from lawsuits.  The responsibility is now placed on the runner and volunteer to get vaccinated and not on us to prevent the transmission of disease. 

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I'll be honest, I'm confused by the inconsistency with the COVID data. Between a few reputable sources, the numbers are widely different.

CDC at 112.3

Washington Post at 14.6

DHHR Dashboard at 301/18=16.72

NY Times at 15.42

Three out of four sources have us at below the 20 cases/100k rate. When our metric was set before, vaccines were difficult to obtain and masks were mandated. Now, anyone in WV who wants a vaccine can get one. I think we can remove the metric, hold in-person events, and still be reasonable safe with the updated COVID mitigation plan.

This post was modified 4 years ago by Andrew Rhodes

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Posts: 172

I agree with rescinding our COVID-19 metric for holding WVMTR events. 

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I agree with all of the above points.  The situation has changed, especially when looking at risk.  I am for removing the COVID-19 metric.      

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Once Ashley has checked in (@asdolin), we will need motion/s and second to proceed with a vote under Item 3.  One motion would be sufficient.

This post was modified 4 years ago by Adam Casseday

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Posts: 184

I am just checking in due to participation in the Active Southern WV run club at Richmond elementary school! My apologies. Just really got in the door.


looking over new numbers and the availability of vaccination to any who are over 12 I definitely am in favor of removing the metric 

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@asdolin, No worries Ashley.  I wasn't trying to guilt or rush you.  I know you are super busy and appreciate you taking the time.  Thank you.

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I make a motion to remove the COVID metric for holding WVMTR races. 

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Posted by: @bob-luther

I make a motion to remove the COVID metric for holding WVMTR races. 

Thanks Bob.  Is there a second?

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Posts: 159

I 2nd the motion. 

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If there is no further discussion, please proceed with voting under Item 3.
