West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
Agenda addition from Ashley Dolin: "One item is to up our fun run allotment to $300. This will help fund these events along with the raise in cost for most items needed to provide the essentials."
Do you want to kick off the discussion Ashley?
It's simple really...Hosting fun runs is a great way to have runners participate in free events and get some miles with others they don't always cross paths with on a daily basis. It is nice we sponsor $200 for these events. I am wanting to purpose we up the amount to $300 for supplies. Mostly the cost are for food and beverages. The cost of everything has gone up. Our club has the means to support this cost and I know it would be money well spent.
I don’t have issue with doing this either across the board or on a case by case basis by request.
Its an excellent value for our money either way.
I agree. We have the money to do it and this could also increase membership. I think fun runs are important.
$300 is easy and no brainer.
We will need a motion and a second to proceed since this involves a monetary procedural change.