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Item 8: Voting

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We will vote on all pertinent topics if/when indicated (i.e. if a motion is made and seconded).   I will email everyone when it is time to vote.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Adam Casseday

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Item 1: Minutes from 1/20/22 E-meeting:  Motion and second to approved the minutes as presented.  PLEASE VOTE.  

Item 2: Treasurer's Report:   Lauren Beam, WVMTR Treasurer, gave a financial report.  Motion and second to approve the financial report as presented.  PLEASE VOTE.  

Item 3: Annual Meeting: Discussion occurred and consensus obtained to proceed with the WVMTR on 7/30/22 at the Bear Heaven Recreational Area near Otter Creek Wilderness in Randolph Co.  Dan Todd will help with food, Andrew Rhodes with website, and Adam Casseday with run route/s designation and planning.

Item 4: WVMTR Stickers: Motion and second to approve Ashely Dolin to order full color stickers in a quantity of 250 at $125 plus setup fees, shipping, and taxes.  PLEASE VOTE.

Item 5: WVMTR Race Series: Discussed whether to continue with the existing race series, cancel, or postpone.  The consensus was to postpone or hold the series for 2022 and re-evaluate at the end of the year for the 2023 race season.

Item 6: Fun Run Reimbursement Amount: Motion and second to increase the club fun run cap to $300 per event.  PLEASE VOTE.

Item 7: Other Business: No new business discussed.

This post was modified 2 years ago 3 times by Adam Casseday

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Meeting adjourned.
