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Item 9: Membership

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1) We currently accept paper renewal for annual club memberships (see attached).  We do not receive many, but they are a bit of a hassle to keep up with (depositing, manual RunSignUp update, etc.)  Matt Young received these in the past, but with his departure, I would recommend that we discontinue the paper renewals.


2) Membership Chair: We have discussed this in the past -- the idea of possibly nominating a membership chair to oversee RSU memberships and improve/promote membership building and retention.  Pete Daly sort of did this when he was on the board and has carried on with some of the duties.  It needs a fresh dose of enthusiasm from someone who is willing to do it.

I would also propose that the RRCA insurance renewal could be handled by this person.  That's part of the reason I added the information to the agenda.  It's a fairly simple annual process that is related to membership.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Adam Casseday

Lauren Beam
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 88

1. I would like to discontinue paper renewals as well. 

2. I think this is a great idea. Would @charlotte be interested in doing this? I think this would pair well with her newsletter!

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@laurbeam20, my thoughts exactly.  I would like to nominate Charlotte for this role.


Charlotte, should you accept this newly created role, I promise that it will not be incredibly labor intensive.  The hardest part is what you have already suggested!  The RRCA insurance renewal would not necessarily need to be done by the Membership Chair.  I just think those duties fit nicely with that role.

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Ok, I’m learning as I go.  I should read all of these before commenting. 😉 

1. I agree with discontinuing paper renewals.  

2. I really like the idea of bringing the Membership chair back.  And although I already volunteered to run for secretary…I think I’d like to serve in this role more if the board agrees.

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@charleannej, you could certainly do both.  The secretary position really is quite simple with the only real duty being the note taker at the Annual Meeting.  It's more of a symbolic officer position with our club.  I would be happy to have you in that position. 

The Membership Chair is really more of the chair of the, non-active, Membership Committee.  We NEED your fresh enthusiasm and ideas in that role!

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I wouldn’t be opposed to serving in both roles, but I also don’t want to hog all the roles before everyone has a chance to join the conversation.  

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@charleannej, the Membership Chair is the highest priority in my mind.  I have you mentally written-in in pen for that role, pencil for Secretary.  Let's see what the rest of the crew has to say once they have a chance to join the discussion.

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If Charlotte has in mind to run for secretary; Do it girl. If in a year the note taking at the annual meeting is not for you then you could step down and I believe no one here would look down on you. Also, The membership chair role sounds simple as well. A good way to learn who is coming and going within our club. 

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I would be happy to handle the RRCA Insurance Renewal. I think that fits well with the VP role. Does Adam or Dan handle that now?

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@arhodes5, Matt Young has done it for the past few years.  Thanks for volunteering Andrew.  You and I can work on that together.

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I do not believe that we need a motion or vote to establish Charlotte as the Membership Chair, only consensus.  Just for clarity, Charlotte, do you accept the new role?  Any objection from the board?

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@acasseday Yes, I accept the new role if there are no objections.

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@charleannej, Thanks Charlotte!

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Sounds good to me too. I'll try to help if you keep me in the loop.

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@charleannej I'll get you access to the RunSignUp website where our club membership details are maintained.
