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Item 4: RD/BOD Free...
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Item 4: RD/BOD Free WVMTR Race Entry Initiative

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This is something I brought up at the 7/23 BOD meeting at the Annual Meeting.  This idea of formalizing a free entry to one WVMTR event to all WVMTR race directors and BOD members.  My desired outcome is to formalize something that already happens through some backdoor channels -- which is ok and can continue -- but to give some level of appreciation to you all and our RDs for the commitment to the club.  This will also provide financial integrity to races that have slim budget margins.

Here is my proposal:

  1. All WVMTR RDs and BOD members may run one WVMTR event per calendar year free of charge.
  2. Simply notify the RD of the desired race and they will send a complimentary/reserved entry.
  3. The full, gross, entry fee will be reimbursed/reconciled on the expense sheet by WVMTR so as not to take away from any event charitable contributions.  (Lauren can hopefully think of how to cleanly do this).

I would much rather us discuss this in person, but I have been mulling this around for a long time and would like to be ready to hit the ground running for the FS '24, should we proceed.  Let's discuss, poke holes, and critically think this one through as a group.   Saying no is ok.  I want this to be a positive incentive, not opening a can of worms.

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What would happen in the case of races that quickly sell out?

In city government pay changes that are made only take place once the elected official has been reelected. Basicallly, you can't vote directly for a benefit for yourself. I recognize this is not a HUGE expense, but it is still awkward to vote for benefits for ourselves. We could either put it to the membership for a vote or let it roll in as a benefit for board members who are elected going forward.

Otherwise I think it is a good idea. It is small compensation and might encourage both more people to run for positions and more board members/RDs to get out and be more involved. Both very good things.

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@kaernigmail-com, that would be up to the RDs if the race was sold out, but I don't imagine that to be an issue with such a low number of unique WVMTR RDs (5).


Good point on the self benefiting aspect.  Maybe we just start with RDs?  I waffled on adding the board to the initiative.  

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Katie makes a good point on the board members getting free entry.  I say that we start with offering this to the RD’s.  There’s not many of them, but they do a lot of the work for this club and deserve an extra thank you.

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It's still a little messy for people like me and Bob that live in both worlds (RD and BOD) though.  Maybe we just table the idea, let it marinate longer, and discuss further down the road?  It's starting to feel like more risk than benefit.

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I support the option for RD's to receive 1 free paid entry per year. I think we should hold off on BoD now.

Does this also extend to club run RDs? I know that Matt Young holds an event or two each year, and there are the Tom & Nate Mauger who host the Wild Turkey run that is quite popular. 

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As Adam has pointed out this has been happening by the back door for many years. Voting on it will more than likely not change that. I do like how the club will send that money to the RD's race so if there are other comps, races do not lose any more money. On a side note, FS is full. 

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@arhodes5, no, that was not my intention, but open to discussion.  The fun-runs pale in comparison to the body of time/work performed by our event RDs.

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I definitely support implementing it this year and formalizing and providing those entry fees to the races. Happy to start with just Race Directors and that would include Adam even though he is also on the BoD. Do we have enough non-RDs on the board to vote on this topic if they recuse themselves?

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@kaernigmail-com, yes, should the RD only scenario be presented as a motion, we would have enough to vote with Bob and myself being recused.

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RDs do way more work than board members anyhow.

It is not the entry fees keeping me from signing up for events!

Lauren Beam
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I also like the idea of just starting with RDs. I don't have a problem with BOD getting it too but I agree it does feel a little icky to give that to myself. 

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This is a tricky one.  The informal process may result in more comped entries than what's proposed without the steps of tracking or reimbursement.  I would need to think a bit before feeling comfortable with offering an opinion.

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I'm happy to make a motion here but am curious to first hear more about what Bob thinks.

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Are we just involving 1 RD per race? I know Adam and Lehmann co direct. Other races have more than 1 RD as well. If the RD is not comfortable accepting a comp entry are they free to pass it along to fellow racer? Just some questions to consider.

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