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Item 6: Other Busin...
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Item 6: Other Business

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Any items of new or old business not addressed by the agenda?

This topic was modified 1 month ago by Adam Casseday

Ian Voysey
Joined: 1 month ago
Posts: 13
In organizing the WV WSER, I wrote up a process document of how I think the process of asking the BoD to support a fun run might go in general. If the board approves of the idea and text attached (and I am, of course, open to revisions), I'd like to see it posted on the webpage and maybe with a shout out in the next newsletter.
My current draft is here, in Google Docs. I've shared it allowing comments but not edits because I don't want to stall the meeting by accidentally kicking off a rabbit hole of editing a document.
In reality, I think very few people will organize runs that we don't already know. That said, asking the board to support a fun run is one of the benefits of being a member in good standing. A process document would make that right a lot more accessible to folks, might open the door to advancing the sport in funky ways the BoD has never thought of, and is a partial answer to "what do I get for membership, anyway?"

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I think this is a very good idea Ian and appreciate your thought and work that has gone into this.  Hopefully this will encourage more folks to plan a WVMTR sponsored fun-run.


FYI, this is something that we simply need to discuss as a board and have general consensus on.  No vote will be necessary for such an operational action.

Ian Voysey reacted
Ian Voysey
Joined: 1 month ago
Posts: 13

Thank you, Adam.


As a bit of a side bar, my post above is the second time in 24 hours that I've said "This might be good for the next newsletter!". Do we have a shared doc somewhere for things like that? If not, perhaps we should. It would lighten the load on whoever writes the newsletters---if, indeed, they continue now that Charlotte has stepped down---to have a quiver of things that everyone adds to between issues to reach for.

Lauren Beam
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I would love to see Ian pick up the newsletter if he is willing! I think he is an excellent write and I would very much enjoy reading his take!

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@laurbeam20, agreed!  Charlotte has agreed to continue with the newsletter for "a while".

Ian Voysey
Joined: 1 month ago
Posts: 13

I would be willing to take up the newsletter at least quarterly for the coming year, if that plan has consensus with the rest of the board. I'd probably end up really liking doing it and wanting to do it past that, but I'd like to build in a "let's check back in a year" so that if it's not working out for some reason in either direction we have an easy chance to talk about it instead of me or you all needing to bring it up.

Ian Voysey
Joined: 1 month ago
Posts: 13

Posted by: @ianvoysey

In organizing the WV WSER, I wrote up a process document of how I think the process of asking the BoD to support a fun run might go in general. If the board approves of the idea and text attached (and I am, of course, open to revisions), I'd like to see it posted on the webpage and maybe with a shout out in the next newsletter.
My current draft is here, in Google Docs. I've shared it allowing comments but not edits because I don't want to stall the meeting by accidentally kicking off a rabbit hole of editing a document.
In reality, I think very few people will organize runs that we don't already know. That said, asking the board to support a fun run is one of the benefits of being a member in good standing. A process document would make that right a lot more accessible to folks, might open the door to advancing the sport in funky ways the BoD has never thought of, and is a partial answer to "what do I get for membership, anyway?"

Step 8 is "submit a report" so here's me taking my own medicine. I think reports from Fun Run Directors (FRDs?) would naturally be a reflection of that person's own style. It could be a paragraph, but I was flyin' high after the run and wanted to write about it.

I'm also posting this so that it gets entered into the minutes for this meeting, to sort of pair up with the minutes that contained the authorization vote in October.


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Posted by: @ianvoysey

I would be willing to take up the newsletter at least quarterly for the coming year, if that plan has consensus with the rest of the board. I'd probably end up really liking doing it and wanting to do it past that, but I'd like to build in a "let's check back in a year" so that if it's not working out for some reason in either direction we have an easy chance to talk about it instead of me or you all needing to bring it up.

Ian, this would be great.  Thank you!  I think a good place to start would be a conversation with Charlotte Wales before you hit the ground running.


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I'm glad to see you taking on this role Ian. I've mentioned before that you're an elegant writer and these newsletters add a personal touch to the club. I'll get you setup on RunSignUp to send emails to membership.

Joined: 1 month ago
Posts: 2

I'm just replying to share that I agree with all of the above. Sounds like a great idea. I appreciate reading all the forum posts and next time I will be more engaged; I have been in transit to the west coast for a quick trip the past couple of days. Looking forward to Pub Run and am holding the date for the Annual Meeting as well.


Thanks everyone

This post was modified 1 month ago by Emily Huguenin

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@emilyhuguenin thanks for making the time to log-in during your travels Emily!
