West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
Voting and wrap-up. Please vote accordingly for the below items: Item 1 Previous Meeting Minutes: Minutes from 10/24/19 meeting. We have a motion ...
Motion and second. Any discussion?
@dlehmann I am a little confused. I didn't think that we needed a motion to begin sharing a summary of the minutes. What do you mean by a Policy Sta...
@matt Want to exercise that premature second now?
Motion and second. Any further discussion?
I second Matt's motion. Any further discussion.
I second Lehmann's motion. Any further discussion?
I second Matt's motion.
@matt We need a motion first. I didn't make one.
@asdolin Katie said in the email that she (Experience Learning) plans to do shirts this year. Highlands and Trilogy are moving from Tailwind to Endu...
@matt I support that plan of action.
@daniel We could simply say that the Treasure's Report was made and accepted by the Board. We do not need to give numbers. Thoughts?
@arhodes5 The RD salary idea didn't get any traction from the board. Great thoughts shared. The RD for the new 100 -- Rim to River -- actually did r...
I agree the process went very well this year. I think what is being suggested will only make the process that much better. I don't believe we need a...
Motion and second. Any discussion?