West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
@matt, no. Here is the email I received this morning, "I’m looking into resurrecting the middle Ridge monster. After looking at the calendar and disc...
I received an email this morning from Mr. Michael Dolin requesting fun-run funding ($200) to hold a group run at Kanawha State Forest. The Middle Rid...
Addendum to meeting: 6/22/20 discussion/vote regarding whether to hold the Kanawha Trace event during COVID-19 pandemic. KT-Determination-6-22...
Voting and wrap-up. Please vote accordingly for the below items: Item 1 Previous Meeting Minutes: Minutes from 1/23/20 meeting. We have a motion...
Do we have a second to Bill's motion?
@arhodes5, yes, last year it was decided at the board level to discontinue the Marlinton Camp/Run Weekend. You can archive it on the webpage if you w...
I discussed Stewart Caldwell's desire to step down as RD of Canary in the Cave at the last meeting and that he was looking in to different perpetuatio...