West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
Item 1: Minutes from 1/18/24 Meeting: Motion and second to approve the minutes. PLEASE VOTE Item 2: Treasure's Report: Motion and second to approve ...
A note of encouragement from a board member would likely go far in encouraging someone who might be "on the fence" for applying.
Questions or motion to approve?
Emily Huguenin commented that she applied. She would be an excellent candidate!
Super report. Thanks Lauren.
Thanks everyone. Meeting adjourned!
@bob-luther: Thanks Bob. Certainly something to consider. UltraSignUp is a great platform.
Item 1: Minutes from 10/19/23 Meeting: Motion and second to approve the minutes. PLEASE VOTE Item 2: Treasure's Report: Motion and second to approve...
@bob-luther, so at the aid-stations it's still a manual check-in on the app? We want some sort of automated scan similar to a timing mat, if possible...