West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
@dlehmann My vision was to find someone to come-up to SMS in July and provide some hands-on training. I wonder if there is someone within our club or...
@asdolin We also have 6-radios that could be utilized.
I move that we approve the spending to replace the south unit battery and to purchase another bluetooth interface for the north Time Machine.
@asdolin Anything the club owns can be utilized by all club races. With that said, the intent of the satellite messengers is not to replace cell phon...
I believe that the simpler we keep things, the better. Matt is kind enough to give of his time to keep our finances in order. It's no small task and...
@asdolin Will these satellite devices be of use to you guys? What about Dirty Dog, KT, or Canary? Does anyone have any intel about their communicat...
@asdolin I think that is something that we can accommodate. Will you possibly help me/us with the planning?
@asdolin What does your communication plan look like at the Frozen Sasquatch? Are there aid-stations that do not have cell phone or radio coverage?
Reminder, we will vote in the wrap-up section of the meeting -- not under the topic. After a motion and a second, it is then time to discuss further ...
@dlehmann Sounds like a fine plan.
@dlehmann I think you can simply right-click on this page and print the entire discussion as the minutes. The same can be done for each topic as well...
Don't forget, we need a motion and a second to accept the Treasurer's Report.
I do not think we need to change any of our financial positions. I agree with you Matt. We are not in the business of making money and folks at the ...
At the Trilogy, we were lucky enough to try two different satellite messengers (SPOT and Garmin). Only having one unit was not the most scientificall...
We will most likely have to clear dates with the property owners, but we can certainly present suggestions. The same weekend as last year would be Ju...