West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
How about a motion and second to accept the treasurer's report?
I honestly expected some push-back from the RD's for the signature. As we share the adopted document with them, we will simply need to explain that t...
Thanks Matt. I like how you do the reports. Data and a short explanation/narrative of where we are with cash. Very fine work.
Motion passed. Current slate of WVMTR BOD officers remains for 2019.
All, please vote accordingly on the above seconded motion to accept the current slate of officers.
I move that we keep the current slate of officers for 2019: President: Adam Casseday Vice President: Dan Lehmann Treasurer: Matt Young Secretary: Dani...
As a precursor to Dan Todd's comment (for informational clarity) in response to the following email from 1/19/19: "Board, I failed to add our BOD Offi...