Member’s Forum

Adam Casseday
Topics: 177 / Replies: 481
RE: Item 7: Other Business

Very good points Matt. I appreciate your insight. I'm just not convinced that our system is broken. I'm still searching for the "why" behind this. ...

6 years ago
RE: Item 8: Voting

Meeting adjourned. Thank you all for your time and participation.

6 years ago
RE: Item 8: Voting

Matt and Dan L., will you decide upon a location and time for the Lewisburg meeting, then I will send a note to the RD's to assess availability?

6 years ago
RE: Item 8: Voting

Voting and wrap-up: Item 1: Minutes from 10/25/18 meeting. We have a motion and second to accept the minutes. Please vote. Item 2: Treasure's report...

6 years ago
RE: Item 7: Other Business

I think it's a great thought and worthy of further discussion. I think we should let this idea marinate and really think this through. This is cert...

6 years ago
RE: Item 4: WVMTR Emergency Preparedness

So, what is our consensus on the next steps for the WVMTR Emergency Preparedness Policy? It appears to me that we all believe that this is a very fin...

6 years ago
RE: Item 7: Other Business

Right, so that would only differ from the gross should the race receive donations. Correct?

6 years ago
RE: Item 6: RD Meeting

All: We have some fine discussions occurring. That's fine and well and can certainly be left with only discussion -- ultimately, some next steps can s...

6 years ago
RE: Item 7: Other Business

My leaning is to ask, why should we do this? 10% going to the club is not exorbitant. Maybe we start taking 10% of the net and instead of the gross?...

6 years ago
RE: Item 4: WVMTR Emergency Preparedness

Thanks for putting this together Bill. This is a robust document, but a good start in our goal to achieve congruity in our response to emergency prep...

6 years ago
RE: Item 5: CPR Training/Certification

This is a great idea, but I imagine in reality it will be too costly and impractical to schedule such a class. I believe it would be a good first ste...

6 years ago
RE: Item 2: Treasurer's Report

Attached Matt's abbreviated summary for reference. West-Virginia-Mount-Trail-Runners-2019-Annual-Treasurer-Report.pdf

6 years ago
RE: Item 7: Other Business

Email to RD's from Dan Lehmann: "Maybe this is not the most exciting news in your day, but it is worthy of noting. We have used The Race Director timi...

6 years ago
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