West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
I've just completed some deep thinking on why we are implementing a metric for determine race occurrence. First, I fully agree that there needs to be ...
I realize that Ashley has not commented here, and Bob only commented after I made the motion and it was seconded. I rescind my motion until all member...
Perhaps we can have a higher threshold for club fun runs, or no threshold if the event is small than a certain limit? It seems we supported a few club...
@acasseday, yes I accept the nomination for vice president and would be willing to serve.
I agree that we should be transparent about the decision process, and I agree that it should be posted on the website. The welcome screen post about C...
I support the compromise of 20/100k. Any lower and it would nearly impossible to hold any event, much higher and it wouldn't be much of a limit. Thank...
The third bullet point says "...must be equal to or less than 20 cases per 100K of WV population", but the attached WV-Color-Alert-Indicators.png file...
I second @daniel motion to accept the meeting minutes.
1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. I think we are being arbitrary in permitting HitH to occur, but we cancelled KT. Thankfully, I'm not the deciding vote here. No...
I'm not opposed to HitH occurring as planned. My only objection is why are we permitting HitH to occur, but not Kanawha Trace? I would like to be ab...
This year has been a particularly difficult one to be a human, let alone a board member. I can say how helpful it is to have a few consistent board me...
Recall that Yarborough's suggested a new aluminum finish line. The board discussed either an inflatable or another set of construction scaffolding. We...
I think the only completely safe way for our races, or any other societal events, to occur is if we have rapid testing on the spot at all event entran...
I second the motion to accept minutes
@acasseday, I can help setup the candidate information page and the voting page again this year. We will need to work with Pete to send emails with vo...