Member’s Forum

Ashley Dolin
Topics: 0 / Replies: 171
RE: Item 3: Timing Equipment Purchase Request

I agree with the purchase, equipment helping to cause less headaches for RDs on race day is fantastic even if we spend a little more funds to purchase...

3 months ago
RE: Item 1: Minutes from 1/18/24 e-Meeting

I motion to approve the minutes from last meeting

3 months ago
RE: Item 3: Board Officer Election

If everyone is willing to keep their offices then I ask we have the same folks in their positions another year.

6 months ago
RE: Item 4: RD/BOD Free WVMTR Race Entry Initiative

Are we just involving 1 RD per race? I know Adam and Lehmann co direct. Other races have more than 1 RD as well. If the RD is not comfortable acceptin...

9 months ago
RE: Item 5: Other Business

I'm racing Rim2River and have paced years 1 and 2 of the event. Besides little flags marking the trails I like the event. speaking for my self only. A...

9 months ago
RE: Item 4: RD/BOD Free WVMTR Race Entry Initiative

As Adam has pointed out this has been happening by the back door for many years. Voting on it will more than likely not change that. I do like how the...

9 months ago
RE: Item 3: BOD Annual Election

Yes, I'll absolutely run for another 2 year term. I'll get my pic and bio ready 😎 😎 😎

9 months ago
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