Member’s Forum

Daniel Todd
Topics: 1 / Replies: 158
RE: Item 4: COVID-19 Response and Metric

Just in case anyone missed it we have BOD insurance to protect us but COVID is specifically carved out as of Jan 1, 2021. A lawyer could make a case ...

4 years ago
RE: Item 4: COVID-19 Response and Metric

I believe the discussion can continue even though we have a motion and a second. Tracing and tracking have been poor so this is anecdotal. I see ...

4 years ago
RE: Item 3: Board Officer Election

I think Bob and Ashley should get a chance to nominate someone or comment prior to someone offering to 2nd the motion.

4 years ago
RE: Item 5: Other Business

We the increased interest of members wanting to be on the BOD, (which is awesome) I think we may want to consider a bylaw change that requires a BOD m...

4 years ago
RE: Item 4: COVID-19 Response and Metric

Adam - Thank you for your time and effort on this topic. I do not have any edits or additions at this time. I believe this is the website we will us...

4 years ago
RE: Item 3: Board Officer Election

I'm willing to serve as Secretary for another year.

4 years ago
RE: Item 2: Treasurer's Report

Matt - Very informative attachment. Thanks. I have an RSU tax statement to get to you.I move that we accept the treasurer's report.

4 years ago
RE: Item 1: Minutes from 10/7/20 E-meeting

I make a motion to accept the meeting minutes.

4 years ago
RE: Item 7: Voting

@acasseday 1. yes 2. Yes 3. yes

4 years ago
RE: Item 5: BOD Annual Election

Lehmann, Potts, and Young, I’m sad to see you move on from the board but I know you are not moving on from the club. I hope to see you out on the t...

4 years ago
RE: Item 3: COVID-19 Responce

I’m not opposed to the race continuing as planned.

4 years ago
RE: Item 3: COVID-19 Responce

What metrics should we using to make this decision?

4 years ago
RE: Item 6: Other Business

@acasseday Thursdays are fine for me.

4 years ago
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