West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Just in case anyone missed it we have BOD insurance to protect us but COVID is specifically carved out as of Jan 1, 2021. A lawyer could make a case ...
I believe the discussion can continue even though we have a motion and a second. Tracing and tracking have been poor so this is anecdotal. I see ...
I think Bob and Ashley should get a chance to nominate someone or comment prior to someone offering to 2nd the motion.
That sounds doable.
We the increased interest of members wanting to be on the BOD, (which is awesome) I think we may want to consider a bylaw change that requires a BOD m...
Adam - Thank you for your time and effort on this topic. I do not have any edits or additions at this time. I believe this is the website we will us...
I'm willing to serve as Secretary for another year.
Matt - Very informative attachment. Thanks. I have an RSU tax statement to get to you.I move that we accept the treasurer's report.
I make a motion to accept the meeting minutes.
@acasseday 1. yes 2. Yes 3. yes
Lehmann, Potts, and Young, I’m sad to see you move on from the board but I know you are not moving on from the club. I hope to see you out on the t...
I’m not opposed to the race continuing as planned.
What metrics should we using to make this decision?
@acasseday Thursdays are fine for me.