Member’s Forum

Matt Young
Topics: 0 / Replies: 172
RE: Item 2: Treasurer's Report

Huntington Bank account balances are $41,534.65 for checking and $50,249.35 for savings. * Highlands Sky financial report was delivered and I'm worki...

6 years ago
RE: Item 5: Other business

none that I know of. Any reports on Luna Run?

7 years ago
RE: Item 3: Committe Reports

Nothing yet from nominating committee.

7 years ago
RE: Item 2: Treasurer's Report

Quick summary of accounts below. Lots of cash right now because races are taking registrations but not spending much. Haulin seemed to be successful...

7 years ago
RE: Wrap Up and Vote as indicated

7. Vote Yes 8. Vote Yes 9. VOTE Yes 11. VOTE Yes. Note: We need a policy and suggest we discuss at board meeting in March.

7 years ago
RE: Item 12 New Business - Board action on nomination process and annual meeting

I'll be on the nominating committee if Dan Todd will do it too. He's made the ballot in prior years.

7 years ago
RE: Item 13 New Business - Moonlight Madness Half Marathon

Yes, we already support it but Moonlight is practically a fun run or club event instead of a race. It has very little expense and exposure for the cl...

7 years ago
RE: Item 7 New Business - Election of WVMTR Officers

Would Dan Lehmann accept the position of Vice President?

7 years ago
RE: Item 12 New Business - Board action on nomination process and annual meeting

A few first ideas to get the discussion started: 1) In early November post to the WVMTR FB page and email members that volunteer board nominations are...

7 years ago
RE: Item 9 New Business - Wilderness Running Camp

Our partnership with EL for WV Trilogy has been good and the camp sounds great. When I write thank you notes to donors I always include our mission t...

7 years ago
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