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Item 7: Other Busin...
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Item 7: Other Business

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Any items of new or old business not addressed by the agenda?

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Email to RD's from Dan Lehmann:

"Maybe this is not the most exciting news in your day, but it is worthy of noting. We have used The Race Director timing software, developed by Roger Bradshaw, for many years. Five years ago RD merged with Run Sign Up, the race registration we have also used for years. The two programs work well together, Dan T is the expert on all the wonderful things you can do.

Run Sign Up is announcing the gradual move of Race Director to a new platform called Race Day Scoring. At this time we are currently using Race Director 2017. There are annual RD updates that include improvements and product support. We usually upgrade every two years or so. We own the 2017 license and can continue using it on all of our races.  

I'm sure you find all this profoundly interesting. If so here's some old history, m"
Dan Todd, would it be possible for you (as our most proficient user) to look further into the new Race Day Scoring deal?

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My quick research shows that this new product much like the old leans very much towards the chip timers.  It is not exactly clear how it works with our time machines as there is no mention of it in the documentation, but it looks configurable.

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We should have a few years to figure it out. . . .rather for you to figure it out for us. RD as we know it now will be supported till 2022 or 23. 

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I have a point of discussion for your consideration. 

Some of our races contribute 100% of income over expenses to a charity; All 3 KT races, Helvetia and Canary.
Some contribute a portion to charity and rest to WVMTR; Highlands and Dirty Dog.
Some just give 100% to WVMTR; Sasquatch and Trilogy.

Looking at our solid 2018 financials, should consider eliminating the 10% WVMTR line on our Race Accounting Report? It would allow a few more dollars to flow toward the approve charity.

Just to be clear, by special dispensation suggested years ago by a board member, Helvetia has not paid the 10% surcharge.

Our Race Criteria requiring the 10% is a policy, not a bylaw. We could eliminate it, or reinstate it, should the BoD see fit. 

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My leaning is to ask, why should we do this?  10% going to the club is not exorbitant.  Maybe we start taking 10% of the net and instead of the gross?  If race directors adequately budget and plan, this is a moot discussion.

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We take 10% of registration fees.

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Posted by: Dan Lehmann

We take 10% of registration fees.

Right, so that would only differ from the gross should the race receive donations.  Correct?

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Correct. The larger thinking is that given the health of our club's bank account, is it necessary to continue collecting the 10%. 

Just a thought.

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I think races should contribute to the club even if it’s a symbolic.   We provide insurance and there is wear and tear on the equipment.  


I do do like the idea of taking the net instead of the gross.  That would help keep our registration fees in check for a year or two.  

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I think it's a great thought and worthy of  further discussion.  I think we should let this idea marinate and really think this through.  This is certainly a noble thought and I am curious of Matt's and others' thoughts regarding our financial planning as a club.  How about we table the issue for now and discuss it either in person or electronically during our April meeting?

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In 2019 WMTR inclusive of all races, events, and general club expenses had net gain of $10,928.99.  The highest in a few years. 

In 2018 it was $4575 which was very similar to the previous few years.  

It takes about $11-12,000 each year to run the club (insurance, RRCA dues, meetings etc.) but we also have club income of about the same amount. This year we had a net operating revenue of $615.18.  See the WVMTR General Club 2018 Statement of Activity in the email I sent before the meeting. It was very similar in 2017.  This club income is not the 10% from races but rather things like club shirts, RSU partner income, dues and donations.  

So very high level, we cover all expenses, pay for general club operation and add on average about $5800 to our bank account each year.

We can afford to cut back the required amount.  In the future if that changes we can reinstate the 10% but we'll need to give plenty of warning.

Here are two thoughts though:

1) Instead of cutting the 10% as a club could we give more away to worthy causes or put more in to club events between food, giveaways, etc.

2) For the races that aren't profitable it's debatable whether or not this move will make them profitable. It's a general principal that some people, most actually, spend what they make.  I suspect instead of realizing the profit they'll increase the expense of the races, albeit to benefit the runners.  We have two races that teeter on profitability. In the loss years it has been very small.  Even so, with total accounts averaging over $90,000 we can afford to have a few losses from time to time.  

I suggest cutting back on the 10% gross to make it a percentage of net amount, maybe 20% of net with a minimum of amount of possibly $500. If that sounds too complicated then scrap it.

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Very good points Matt.  I appreciate your insight.

I'm just not convinced that our system is broken.  I'm still searching for the "why" behind this. 

Some of these potential solutions appear to be complicating a simple system that RD's are finally starting to "get".  I would rather see us use the funds we are netting to continue improving some of our mission-centered initiatives.

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I see this as a face to face discussion so we can all put in our views as we have time to think more on this subject.

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Club Officer Nominations:

I nominate the following board members for the 2019 club officers positions - 

President: Adam Casseday

Vice President: Pete Daly

Treasurer: Matt Young

Secretary: Daniel Todd

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