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Item 4: COVID-19 Re...
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Item 4: COVID-19 Response

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Since COVID-19 has taken over most of our news, talk, and specifically the cancellation of all but one of our WVMTR races for 2020, I assumed that it deserved its own spot on the agenda.  I have no specific aspect to discuss, but to open up any necessary discussion.

This topic was modified 5 years ago by Adam Casseday

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Gregg will be bringing his plan for Haulin to the board sometime soon.  He's open to feedback. He's also preparing the plans knowing that such precautions may be a way of life for the forseeable future.

I enjoyed this podcast and I don't really like Jason Koop all that much. I do like Karl Meltzer. You all might like it too since Karl mainly talks about directing Speedgoat this year.

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Do we have any concerns that the community held the KT race as a supported fun run after the board pulled approval for the race.
I think we are pretty lucky that it wasn't 100 degrees that day.

I wouldn't be surprised if the approval for HnH gets pulled that the same thing will happen there as they share many of the same community members.

Another note:  Jason Griffith and Mary Jane Baniak held their event at Cacapon State Park last month.  It is a very different event.  It seems that they were able to get approval from their park superintendent.

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If any WVMTR race or event is cancelled by the Board, and individuals decide to go against the Board's decision, that is wrong. This may not be an accepted or popular position, but the WVMTR owns the race and it's name. There should be serious repercussions if any WVMTR equipment, gear, products, monies, or anything related to the WVMTR were in any way associated. 

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I found Cory Richardson's response to the Boards Decision to cancel KT concerning.  I no longer have confidence in his ability to co-direct a race. If club property was used in hosting a run on the same day of the canceled race then there should be serious repercussions. The Board needs to have a discussion on our confidence in the KT leadership.

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I do not believe that any club property was used (simply judging from pics I saw).  @Matt, maybe you can chime in since you helped with some of the aid.  I believe that this was simply a fun run planned out by Isaac Waite:

I was aware of the planned fun run and Isaac posted the disclaimer, "Note: This event is unaffiliated with any organization... I can't stress that enough, how unaffiliated this event is with ANY organization!"

I think it was a good intentioned fun run and had no ill will toward our decision to cancel the official event.



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@hillbillywill, we certainly can have such a discussion.  Let's table it for another meeting for the time being.

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From Dan Lehmann under the Canary topic: "However, before we get too far ahead of ourselves, shouldn't we also be discussing club events during Covid through the end of the year, and what constitutes a club fun run, or club unsupported run. I believe Matt's planned fun run was limited to 10 or so. WVMTR should not be encouraging large gatherings even if called fun or unsupported."

For clarification, we currently have two scheduled club sponsored fun runs. Matt's fun run, A Midsummer Night's Run, is scheduled for 8/7.  Matt shared at our Annual Meeting that it is limited to 25 participants and that he is having no food.  We also have the Wild Turkey FA 25/50K scheduled for 8/29, put on by club member Tom Mauger at Valley Falls SP.

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The KT fun run was organized by Isaac. Cory did participate and run the 25k but it was Isaac running it as Adam said.  As far as I could tell there weren't any club resources used.  There were three manned "aid stations" that were all volunteer and paid for by the volunteers.  There was no malicious intent, just a bunch of runners who trained and wanted to run and they enjoyed it. There were 25 who ran the 50k and mid 30s total for all three distances.  I volunteered for the fun run because it's in my backyard and I had several friends running and I wanted to help them if I could. There was also no malicious intent on my part either or an attempt to defy or undermine the BOD.  

I also ran Cacapon a few weeks ago and it worked well and everyone there complied from what I observed. Jason seemed pleased and didn't indicate any issues with non compliance.  The lady on the Zoom call for our Annual Meeting was also there. I don't know her name but I recognized her from the event.  I've pasted Jason's email below. Since it was an email broadcast to 75 people I don't think there's anything confidential here.  

I don't see it in Jason's email below but the race was also self supported. They had one AS with bottles of water at mile 2.5. You were responsible for your own aid at the beginning/end of each loop.  

There's no doubt that each of us falls on a different part of this Covid spectrum.  Our members are the same way.  We'll have to expect that no matter what decision is made there will be disagreement.  Some agreed with KT being cancelled.  Others were upset. 





At packet pickup all runners will be subject to temperature screenings and must sign an affidavit attesting 'NO' to the following:


o Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past two weeks?
o Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?

o Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?
o Have you had new loss of taste or smell?
o Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?

If you cannot sign this you cannot run the race. Anyone who will not be able to sign this may contact me to discuss and you should not show up for the race if you are not going to be able to sign off on these criteria. 

Race start will be mass, distanced start. Runners should spread out as much as possible and all runners must have a bandana, buff, or face mask on during the start and whenever passing other runners. Let runners know you are coming up to pass ('On your left!'). Runners should also turn their heads away as they pass. Please be mindful and make sure you don't fall down as you are trying to pull up your face covering and turn your head!

NO PACERS! There will be no pacers allowed this year. We need to do everything possible to keep people spread out on the trail and minimize contact. Any family/friends/crew who accompany you to the race will need to maintain distancing and separation during the day and should also have facial coverings at the ready. Ideally, you should not bring a large crew of non-runners with you. Keep in mind that 12 hours is a long time on a hot day for kids and significant others to be hanging around with not much to do.

Porta Pots will be well-supplied with hand sanitizer and be cleaned multiple times during the day.  

Showers will not be available this year due to occupancy restrictions. 

Please be polite and courteous to all local business owners and residents and follow whatever guidelines or protocols they ask of you!  

We recognize that this is an unusual time we are living in and running in. There remains much uncertainty on COVID-19 and as seemingly happens with every issue nowadays, it has become politicized. We recognize that there may be many varying opinions amongst our runners about this issue. However, the Cacapon 12 Hour Challenge is not the place for you to express your opinion. All runners and crews must follow these guidelines, period. If not, you will be disqualified and banned from future runnings. If, after reading this you feel that you cannot abide by these protocols, stay home. If you feel that you are in an at-risk group or you personally do not feel safe traveling and running the race, stay home. Volunteers may remind you during the day about distancing, masking, etc. Please be respectful and follow their requests. We also recognize that while all of you are extremely happy that we are able to have the event, there are going to be naysayers out there who think we should not be having this race and will be critical of it. It is very important for us to do everything we can to be safe and mindful of each other and the local community that hosts our event. Please email any questions.



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And just for clarification on timing, since 2015 I've organized the Splash n Dash as a club fun run which was also in late July or early August.  This run was scheduled back in mid April and I posted it to the club FB page on April 21st.  I hoped and believed that we would be past Covid by August.  

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My take on events is unchanged.  We should follow the direction and requirements of our state and local leaders.  I personally would error on the side of the limit of 25 people versus saying that outdoor events are exempt from the limit.

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I'm not a Race Director, or an organizer for any of club fun runs, but one concern I have is that we are permitting fun runs to occur (Midsummer Night's Run, Wild Turkey), while taking votes on club sponsored races (KT, Haulin). This is only if the RD decides to hold the race. I can see how a RD could be aggravated that a 'fun run' was sponsored by the club, but not their 'race'.

As a Board, I think we need to clearly state a position on what types or sizes of events are permitted. Even if we don't say "max of 25 people", but tie it directly to Governor Justices guidelines, which are occasionally updated. This may be a give a clearer picture for the RDs.




I was also concerned with Cory's email regarding the cancellation of KT. I thought it leaned on the side of rudeness, and I don't think that much animosity is necessary in our club. We are all volunteers, just trying to do our best. I think the email could have been written more professionally, while still stating why he disagreed. Not everyone is that well-mannered though, and everyone can send an ugly email. I've sure done it at least once in my time. I thought Adam handled his response professionally.

Matt Young reacted
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Andrew, yes, Adam handled it well. 

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@arhodes5 If we go by the guidelines then you could argue that the guidelines would have permitted the KT in some form.  Sporting events, specifically school sports, have continued, and those that can properly distance especially.  There are considerations for races like travel from other states, shuttles etc that continue to make this a gray area that should be considered on an individual basis. 

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Although we were not part of the 50k random runners did along the same route KT follows I agree with the fellow southern board members in the fact it was just a motley crew of people who volunteered their own resources to make it happen. Also, I felt the email from Cory was sent in haste and he was venting about the situation too soon before allowing the boards decision to fully sink in. Maybe a good run prior to pressing the send button would have changed his tone. We are all dealing with the pandemic in our different ways. I will hold the email against him. It just stinks SO many saw it and he a moment of judgement.   

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