West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
You're welcome everyone. It's my way of contributing. I'm not very good at accounting @laurbeam20, so I appreciate you volunteering for Treasurer! And for the wonderful work done by @matt all these years.
I second @acasseday motion to donate $1500 to MMT trailhead program. Let's continue supporting the trail systems in WV!
Any further discussion about this motion and second?
Ashely, we do have a sticker for WVMTR currently and need to be deliberate about getting them out. I have a handful of these and I bet Lehmann does too. They once were distributed to new club members. See attached. You may be thinking of something else and/or a new sticker. A new and fresh look would be nice.
I am just asking the Board if we think stickers/magnets would be a good idea to start some where and a different venue for getting more members. I can look into both and try to keep it as local as possible. I am not sure of how to get out logo. Maybe someone could send it via jpeg?
Lehmann gave me this golden shoe print sticker with our WVMTR logo and I put it on my back glass. History made! I have been to Robert's and DJ Crites was asking about it. Went to the forest and someone was asking where to get one. Dolin has one on the truck (it is in the shop due to Sasquatch Icy Roads and no date of return as of now); people from Georgia have wanted one. I think maybe getting some kind of useful swag may help our membership.
@asdolin, I think this is a great idea. Would you be willing to take the lead in researching some options, then reporting back to the board? We (most likely Andrew, Dan Todd, or Lehmann) can certainly help with the images.
I was just throwing out an idea on how to get our name out there and stickers/magnets came to mind. Yes, I will get quotes for stickers if you want Adam. I just need to get the logo!
@acasseday I replied earlier, but not sure which topic # it went under. Anyway, yes. I would be willing to look into stickers/magnets for the club if I can get the logo sent via email! Getting excited, now to find a local printer.
@matt I have one of these! Yes, I was thinking of something newer, but if we want to use our surplus before I start it is up to you. Just found out a bit ago our truck is totaled and we'll need to shop for a vehicle. It will need some new stickers.
Wanted to let the Northern Trailer users aware our Southern Trailer has need of non expired first aid items. Dolin has the club card and is willing to restock a few things for the upcoming events!
@daniel the specific project for the $1500 is the trailhead https://www.meeksmountaintrails.org/sustainer The money would be used to fund the trailhead and WVMTR would get recognition on a step for it.
The $7500 prize purse for the 100k is funded entirely by the City of Hurricane. The mayor has been supportive of the trails and the 100k and sees them as part of an overall wellness and economic initiative and is willing to financially support it.
@matt I opened the page and then obviously didn’t read it very well. The $7,500 had been on my mind and I suspect the city can’t make improvements on private land.
i had the response written earlier but needed to drive nola to get a Covid test. I then promptly slipped in my driveway shoveling snow and broke my lower leg in two places. I have a video but I can bring my self to watch it.
I second the motion to donate $1500 to Meeks Mountain for the WVMTR marker
@daniel the specific project for the $1500 is the trailhead https://www.meeksmountaintrails.org/sustainer The money would be used to fund the trailhead and WVMTR would get recognition on a step for it.
The $7500 prize purse for the 100k is funded entirely by the City of Hurricane. The mayor has been supportive of the trails and the 100k and sees them as part of an overall wellness and economic initiative and is willing to financially support it.
@matt I opened the page and then obviously didn’t read it very well. The $7,500 had been on my mind and I suspect the city can’t make improvements on private land.
i had the response written earlier but needed to drive nola to get a Covid test. I then promptly slipped in my driveway shoveling snow and broke my lower leg in two places. I have a video but I can bring my self to watch it.
@daniel the specific project for the $1500 is the trailhead https://www.meeksmountaintrails.org/sustainer The money would be used to fund the trailhead and WVMTR would get recognition on a step for it.
The $7500 prize purse for the 100k is funded entirely by the City of Hurricane. The mayor has been supportive of the trails and the 100k and sees them as part of an overall wellness and economic initiative and is willing to financially support it.
@matt I opened the page and then obviously didn’t read it very well. The $7,500 had been on my mind and I suspect the city can’t make improvements on private land.
i had the response written earlier but needed to drive nola to get a Covid test. I then promptly slipped in my driveway shoveling snow and broke my lower leg in two places. I have a video but I can bring my self to watch it.
Darn, so sorry to hear this Dan.