West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
Voting and wrap-up. Please vote accordingly for the below items: Item 1 Previous Meeting Minutes: Minutes from 4/23/20 meeting. We have a motio...
Is there a second?
We have a motion. Is there a second?
Is there a second to Andrew's motion?
If there is no further discussion, is there a motion to support and adopt the Middle Ridge Monster 12-hr Run at the customary fun-run amount of $200?
Motion made by Matt. Do we have a second?
Do we have a motion to purchase an SSL certificate from GoDaddy (out website host)?
I realize that the president shouldn't make motions (but can), but I'm trying to expedite our process.
In that case, I move that we set a WVMTR BOD guideline (and share on our WVMTR webpage) during the pandemic for the club supported fun runs to be capp...
We will need a motion for any action.
My suggestion is that we currently set a WVMTR BOD guideline for the club supported fun runs [Midsummer Night, Wild Turkey, and Middle Ridge Monster (...
@daniel, thanks Dan Todd. I knew there was an issue, but couldn't recall the precise specifics. Thanks for the explanation.
@daniel, am I remembering correctly, but was there not some issue years ago with Zeke at the Dirty Dog? If I'm remembering correctly, can you remind ...
@dlehmann and @hillbillywill, I shared all the information I was presented, but I am certain that Dolin would be compliant in following State and WVMT...
From Dan Lehmann under the Canary topic: "However, before we get too far ahead of ourselves, shouldn't we also be discussing club events during Covid ...