Member’s Forum

Adam Casseday
Topics: 177 / Replies: 481
RE: Item 3: COVID-19 Responce

I suggest we simply hold a "roll-call" vote regarding Haulin' in the Holler occurring as rescheduled on 11/14/20. A yes vote is for it proceed, a no ...

4 years ago
RE: Item 5: BOD Annual Election

@asdolin, no apology necessary. Just wanted you to be certain to make your desired nominations when it's open.

4 years ago
RE: Item 5: BOD Annual Election

@daniel, agreed. We will need to make some financial logistical changes in the near future.

4 years ago
RE: Item 5: BOD Annual Election

@asdolin, this is not the period for open nominations. I will email everyone next week and you are free to nominate whomever you wish. I simply was ...

4 years ago
RE: Item 5: BOD Annual Election

@arhodes5, thanks Andrew. We'll talk soon and figure out the logistics.

4 years ago
RE: Item 5: BOD Annual Election

I respect everyone's desire to step aside, but I think this much turn-over is not a good thing for this board of for the club. I frankly wish you wou...

4 years ago
RE: Item 6: Other Business

Thanks. I will propose a 2021 schedule at the end of the meeting. Sounds like it will be only pertinent information for, possibly, five of us.

4 years ago
RE: Item 3: COVID-19 Responce

Good discussion. Do we have a motion to proceed or to cancel?

4 years ago
RE: Item 4: Club Jackets

@dlehmann, I don't believe we did an order last fall. It must have been '18. We had a couple of leftover jackets in our stash, but I believe they ar...

4 years ago
RE: Item 5: BOD Annual Election

@hillbillywill, I certainly appreciate your contributions to this board and to the club.

4 years ago
RE: Item 3: COVID-19 Responce

@daniel, that's a fine question. I think we should be assessing global risk, trying to interpret the complex state guidance, and assessing scientific...

4 years ago
RE: Item 3: COVID-19 Responce

Gregg has a COVID mitigation plan that I believed he shared with us (I can resend if necessary). I intentionally did not attach the plan because I do...

4 years ago
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