West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
As a side note in the realm of the Membership Committee. Pete Daly, although he has stepped down from the board, has agreed to continue to serve as t...
Thank you all. Meeting adjourned.
Voting and wrap-up. Please vote accordingly for the below items: Item 1 Previous Meeting Minutes: Minutes from 4/23/19 and 7/27/19 meetings. We hav...
@daniel I'm sure there is an eager and trustworthy person in our WVMTR Kanawaha Valley circle that would be happy to learn the ropes and take over som...
@daniel Have you talked to Greg Yarborough? The hope was the everyone that uses the southern trailer could come to a consensus due to space issues. ...
What does the group think about Lehmann and I researching options more and reporting back -- maybe at the same time as our satellite messenger device ...