West Virginia Mountain Trail Runners
A Mountain State of Running
@pjdaly I think anything we do to promote CPR/First Aid training for our volunteers is a good idea.
@dlehmann I am happy to help. I know there are local Red Cross certified instructors. Maybe we can convince ($$) someone to come up to Spruce Knob.
Motion and second to approve the minutes from the previous two meetings. Any discussion?
We have a motion and second to approve the spending to replace the south unit battery and to purchase another bluetooth interface for the north Time M...
I think the best course of action in regard to the satellite communication devices would be for Dan Lehmann and I to research more thoroughly and come...
@dlehmann My vision was to find someone to come-up to SMS in July and provide some hands-on training. I wonder if there is someone within our club or...
@asdolin We also have 6-radios that could be utilized.
I move that we approve the spending to replace the south unit battery and to purchase another bluetooth interface for the north Time Machine.
@asdolin Anything the club owns can be utilized by all club races. With that said, the intent of the satellite messengers is not to replace cell phon...
I believe that the simpler we keep things, the better. Matt is kind enough to give of his time to keep our finances in order. It's no small task and...
@asdolin Will these satellite devices be of use to you guys? What about Dirty Dog, KT, or Canary? Does anyone have any intel about their communicat...
@asdolin I think that is something that we can accommodate. Will you possibly help me/us with the planning?
@asdolin What does your communication plan look like at the Frozen Sasquatch? Are there aid-stations that do not have cell phone or radio coverage?
Reminder, we will vote in the wrap-up section of the meeting -- not under the topic. After a motion and a second, it is then time to discuss further ...
@dlehmann Sounds like a fine plan.